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I made 1,000x faster TypeScript Validator Library

Jeongho Nam on October 08, 2022

Hello, I'm developer of typescript-json and have measure a benchmark comparing performance with other competitive libraries. By the benchmark, my l...
crobinson42 profile image
Cory Robinson

Suretype is an excellent library that folks forget to mention.

dagnelies profile image
Arnaud Dagnelies

Thanks again for suggesting this library which I used in the end. Instead of deriving the validation from the types like here, they go the other way around. You define the validation rules, which can define more precise rules than mere type definitions, and it deduces the type directly. That way, you don't need the intermediate code generation step like in this article, you get more precise validation and full typing support. Truly the best of both worlds.

marcus-sa profile image
Marcus S. Abildskov
aderchox profile image

It's not even packaged as an NPM module? (I know it can be npm installed from GitHub directly, but that's not nice...).

dagnelies profile image
Arnaud Dagnelies

Interesting. I was just looking for a json/ts validation library, what a coincidence! Well, I might as well try this out. ;) By the way, as a humble developer, performance is nice but simplicity is key. Thanks for the lib.

dagnelies profile image
Arnaud Dagnelies

Hmmm.... My first attempt failed. no transform has been configured. I guess the generation of schemas during the compilation step is missing. Btw, I'm using wrangler which is a toolchain of its own, so I have no idea how to incorporate the step.

samchon profile image
Jeongho Nam

The wrangler is something like cra or vite? If you can configure webpack, then you can use this typescript-json following README article. If configuring custom webpack is too hard, I recommend to use vite instead because its configuration is the easiest one.

If you wanna detailed help or guide, you also can write an issue on the repo. Then I or another developer may help you.

Thread Thread
amenadiel profile image
Felipe Figueroa

Wrangler should delegate to whatever is executed by package.json's build script . Usually it's either esbuild or webpack.

samchon profile image
Jeongho Nam

As I've promised, wrote an article introducing how to use typia in NestJS.

yongchanghe profile image
Yongchang He


chema profile image
José María CL

wow! congrats!

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
cmcnicholas profile image
Craig McNicholas

Written by a guy who has never had to hand validate hundreds of dependant models, discriminated types and deeply nested model heirarchies.

hakimio profile image
Tomas Rimkus

No, it's not "clean architecture". It's "Dunning–Kruger effect".

h_sifat profile image
Muhammad Sifat Hossain • Edited

Well, I'm still a junior, please don't judge me, I'm still learning! Whenever I'm doing my whole entity validation with joi, zod or something else, my business logic becomes coupled to it. And when I read the clean architecture book it says, that the core entities should not directly depend on anything. But I understand it's not a law.

marcus-sa profile image
Marcus S. Abildskov
Still a long way to go 😉

samchon profile image
Jeongho Nam • Edited

I know that library and also benchmarked it. However, it requires too much compilation time and does not support any complicate type like generic. I will report bug soon.

marcus-sa profile image
Marcus S. Abildskov • Edited

"too much compilation time" are you transpiling code on a potato? I've had no issues whatsoever.
"complicate type like generic" I've still had no issues whatsoever.

Anyway, it's like comparing a quantum computer to a potato 🤷‍♂️

dashmug profile image
Noel Martin Llevares

Can you use typescript-json to validate based on JSON schemas like what ajv does?

samchon profile image
Jeongho Nam

Use TSON.application() function. It may what you want.

lioness100 profile image

You should benchmark against @sapphire/shapeshift!

samchon profile image
Jeongho Nam

Welcome your PR.

patroza profile image
Patrick Roza

What about more advanced runtime validations, like basic regex?

samchon profile image
Jeongho Nam

Is this what you want?

patroza profile image
Patrick Roza • Edited

That looks great. if you could combine this with branded types, so instead of email: string
you would have email: Email
And an Email type that would carry the email validation rules. And has eg type string & Brand<EmailBrand>

kostyatretyak profile image
Костя Третяк

What do you mean when you write, for example, typescript-json 28.579% and zod - 100%?

samchon profile image
Jeongho Nam • Edited

Slowest feature as 100% and 0% means failure.

If you wanna detailed measurement, click above link. The number means that how many jobs have done in one second.

marcus-sa profile image
Marcus S. Abildskov
rickhoro profile image
Rick Horowitz

Two questions...

  1. Have you benchmarked against yup?
  2. Do you plan to implement a resolver for react-hook-form? Thanks!!
samchon profile image
Jeongho Nam • Edited
  1. No plan to measure yup because it does not support even union type

  2. No plan to make it. But welcome if you make and publish it as your own.

By the way, I made a react library which requires only TypeScript type like below. It would be published after styling, clear API designing with documentation. This may be what you want.

Image description

thejaredwilcurt profile image
The Jared Wilcurt

My dead grandma's dead dog is faster than TypeScript. low bar

crobinson42 profile image
Cory Robinson

@samchon do you plan to support ts to json-schema export in this library or an extension of this library?

samchon profile image
Jeongho Nam

What about using TSON.application() function? It generates JSON schema.

andreisuslov profile image
Andrei Suslov

Ever heard of ArkType?

fxrahul7 profile image

Will it work with tRPC?

samchon profile image
Jeongho Nam

I don't know about tRPC, but it may work if calling TSON function is possible