Changes to CSS or JavaScript files do not appear on the front end.
Browser caching.
CDN cache.
Incorrect file versioning.
Clear Browser and CDN Cache.
Use Versioning for Enqueued Files:
Update the file version infunctions.php
wp_enqueue_style('custom-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/style.css', array(), filemtime(get_template_directory() . '/css/style.css'));
wp_enqueue_script('custom-script', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/script.js', array('jquery'), filemtime(get_template_directory() . '/js/script.js'), true);
WordPress development services to build custom websites that are fast, secure, and easy to manage. From creating themes and plugins to optimizing performance, we ensure your website meets your business needs. Get a professional, user-friendly site that stands out.
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