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Sameer Kumar
Sameer Kumar

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🌱 Type-safe navigation in Jetpack Compose - Quick Guide

Type-safe navigation in Jetpack Compose allows for strong typing and safety when passing arguments between composable screens. Here's a detailed explanation of how it works, along with the provided code and comments:


First, you need to add the necessary dependencies for Kotlin serialization and Jetpack Navigation in Libs.toml and build.gradle files.


kotlinxSerializationJson = "1.7.1"
kotlinxSerialization = "2.0.20"
navigationCompose = "2.8.0"

androidx-navigation-compose = { group = "androidx.navigation", name = "navigation-compose", version.ref = "navigationCompose" }
kotlinx-serialization-json = { module = "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json", version.ref = "kotlinxSerializationJson" }

jetbrains-kotlin-serialization = { id ="org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.serialization", version.ref = "kotlinxSerialization"}

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plugins {
  alias(libs.plugins.jetbrains.kotlin.serialization) apply false

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Another build.gradle.kts file:

plugins {
  id("kotlin-parcelize") // needed for non-primitive classes

dependencies {

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Data Class Definition

We create a simple data class User to hold user-related data like ID, name, age, and gender.

data class User(
    val id: Int,
    val name: String,
    val age: Int,
    val gender: String

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Defining Navigation Routes with Serialization

The NavRoutes sealed class defines the possible screens in the app. Each screen can have parameters passed, making navigation type-safe.

sealed class NavRoutes {
    // ListScreen with no arguments
    data object ListScreen: NavRoutes()

    // UserDetailScreen that accepts parameters for user details
    data class UserDetailScreen(
        val id: Int,
        val name: String,
        val age: Int,
        val gender: String
    ): NavRoutes()

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ListScreen (First Screen)

In this screen, we display a list of users from popular anime characters. The items are arranged in a LazyColumn, and each user is clickable, navigating to a detailed screen.

fun ListScreen(navController: NavController) {
    // Sample user data (anime characters)
    val myUser = listOf(
        User(1, "Naruto", 14, "Male"),
        User(2, "TenTen", 15, "Female"),
        User(3, "Hinata", 14, "Female"),
        User(4, "Shikamaru", 15, "Male"),
        User(5, "Sakura", 15, "Female"),
        User(6, "Kakashi", 23, "Male")

    // Display the user list in a LazyColumn
        modifier = Modifier.padding(15.dp) // Add padding to the list
    ) {
        // Iterate over the list of users and display each as a SingleUser composable
        items(myUser) {
            SingleUser(navController, name =, id =, age = it.age, gender = it.gender)

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This composable represents an individual user in the list. It’s clickable and navigates to the UserDetailScreen when selected.

fun SingleUser(navController: NavController, id: Int, name: String, age: Int, gender: String) {
        modifier = Modifier
            .padding(5.dp) // Add padding around each user entry
            .clip(RoundedCornerShape(30.dp)) // Rounded corners for a polished look
            .background(Color.LightGray) // Light gray background color
            .clickable {
                // Navigate to UserDetailScreen with the user's details
                        id = id,
                        age = age,
                        name = name,
                        gender = gender
        horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceEvenly, // Space out elements evenly
        verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically // Align items vertically in the center
    ) {
        // Display user's name, age, and gender with a font size of 15sp
        Text(text = name, fontSize = 15.sp)
        Text(text = age.toString(), fontSize = 15.sp)
        Text(text = gender, fontSize = 15.sp)

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UserDetailScreen (Second Screen)

This screen displays detailed information about a selected user. The user can also navigate back to the list.

fun UserDetailScreen(navController: NavController, name: String, age: Int, gender: String) {
        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), // Take full available space
        horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally, // Align content horizontally in the center
        verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center // Align content vertically in the center
    ) {
        // Display user name, age, and gender with some spacing in between
        Text(text = name, fontSize = 20.sp) // Name with larger font size
        Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(5.dp)) // Spacer between text elements
        Text(text = age.toString(), fontSize = 20.sp)
        Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(5.dp))
        Text(text = gender, fontSize = 20.sp)
        Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(5.dp))

        // Back button to return to the previous screen
        Button(onClick = { navController.popBackStack() }) {
            Text(text = "Back")

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MainActivity Setup

In the NavigationExample activity, we set up navigation using NavHost. It maps the NavRoutes to corresponding composables.

class NavigationExample: ComponentActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {
            // Create a NavController to handle navigation
            val navController = rememberNavController()

            // Define the NavHost which manages the navigation graph
            NavHost(navController = navController, startDestination = NavRoutes.ListScreen) {
                // Composable for ListScreen
                composable<NavRoutes.ListScreen> {
                // Composable for UserDetailScreen with safely passed arguments
                composable<NavRoutes.UserDetailScreen> { navBackStackEntry ->
                    val args = navBackStackEntry.toRoute<NavRoutes.UserDetailScreen>()
                    UserDetailScreen(navController,, args.age, args.gender)

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  • Type Safety: NavRoutes uses Kotlin's sealed classes and serialization to safely pass arguments between screens, ensuring type safety. When navigating, you can only pass the expected arguments.
  • Serialization: The @Serializable annotation allows passing complex data types (like objects) through the navigation system in a type-safe way.
  • Back Navigation: On the UserDetailScreen, you can navigate back using navController.popBackStack().


Image description

This setup allows for safe and robust navigation between screens with parameterized data in Jetpack Compose.

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