DEV Community

Build your skills for addressing a group (100 Bytes Of Wisdom: Day 52)

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Standups, meetings, demos, meetups, conferences... so many times in a developers career you will be on the spot in front of an audience. Having the confidence to say what you need to say in a clear, concise manner will help you a lot long term. It comes up time and time again in your career. This is a totally learnable skill and things like improv classes or toastmasters have the tips and techniques to feel comfortable in front of audiences of any size.

Heads up: As with any terse bit of advice, there will be exceptions of course, and subtleties and nuance that can't possibly be captured in a Byte of Wisdom. This has been what I've experienced, I'd love to hear yours in the comments too!

You can catch up with all the other bytes at

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