: Objects have a__proto__
property which allows them to access other properties and functionality via prototypal inheritance. - Prototypal Inheritance: Inheriting functionality via object prototypes.
Loop Through Properties with Object.keys()
const adaKeys = Object.keys(mathematician);
let adaString = ""
adaKeys.forEach(function(key) {
adaString = adaString.concat(key + ": " + mathematician[key] + "\n");
Loop Through Properties with for...in
for (const key in mathematician) {
if (contact.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
Note: Use Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty()
if you only want the properties of the object itself to be iterated over.
Best Practices
- Create a separate UI function instead of adding the code to the form submission block. This allows us to focus on writing one function at a time, and helps keep code modular.
- Store jQuery selectors inside a variable. That way, if we need to use the selector multiple times, jQuery only needs to query the DOM once, making code faster and more efficient.
- Create a list of all elements to append to the DOM, and add them all at once instead of one a time. This is also faster and more efficient.
Create a UI function to display contacts in an address book:
function displayContactDetails(addressBookToDisplay) {
let contactsList = $("ul#contacts");
let htmlForContactInfo = "";
Object.keys(addressBookToDisplay.contacts).forEach(function(key) {
const contact = addressBookToDisplay.findContact(key);
htmlForContactInfo += "<li id=" + contact.id + ">" + contact.firstName + " " + contact.lastName + "</li>";
- Event Bubbling: The process of events bubbling upward when an event is triggered in the DOM.
- Event Delegation: The process of creating an event listener on a parent element that fires for all specified child elements.
Here's an example:
<div id="top-level">
<ul id="contacts">
<li id=1>Contact 1</li>
<li id=2>Contact 2</li>
<li id=3>Contact 3</li>
If an li
in the sample HTML above is clicked, it will first trigger any listeners on li
, then listeners on #contacts
, then listeners on #top-level
function attachContactListeners() {
$("ul#contacts").on("click", "li", function() {
console.log("The id of this <li> is" + this.id + ".");
is the parent element. All li
elements within the parent element will be triggered on
Create a UI function to show a contact in the DOM:
function showContact(id) {
const contact = addressBook.findContact(id);
let buttons = $("#buttons");
buttons.append("<button class='deleteButton' id=" + + contact.id + ">Delete</button>");
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