DEV Community

Krishna  Damaraju
Krishna Damaraju

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A complete <dev> guide for better buttons

Buttons are one of the most simple, yet deeply fundamental and foundational building blocks of the web. Click a button, and you submit a form or change the context within the same page. But there is a lot to know from the HTML implementation and attributes, styling best practices, things to avoid, and the even-more-nuance implementations of the buttons β€” links and button-like inputs.

This article covers, building β€”

  • Links,
  • Buttons,
  • and Button-like Inputs

We’re going to deep-dive into all three of them, and for each, dig into the πŸ—οΈ HTML implementations, πŸ–Œ CSS and βš™οΈ JS considerations, ❀️ Accessibility information, and ‼️ Pitfalls/Bad practices. By covering all that, we’ll have a better UX implementation of each.

Read more here: --

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