
Cover image for Show off your Todo List ๐Ÿ“ ๐Ÿค“
Sarthak Sharma
Sarthak Sharma

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Show off your Todo List ๐Ÿ“ ๐Ÿค“

Hello Productive folks !!

๐ŸŽ‰ Welcome to 2019 ๐ŸŽ‰

The Todo list is a super essential step for anybody to enter the realm of productivity. Most of us used it or try to use it at some point in time. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

So in this post why not we all show our Todo lists (Digital or Analog) to help those who are looking for an efficient Todo list system.

I personally use an Analog system that looks like this

It's a purpose-driven version of Bullet Journal called Purpose Book. I have explained it in this medium article below.

What do you use? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค“

Top comments (38)

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

I am a heavy user of Google services (mainly due to the integration of tools) so I use the built in ToDo feature of Gmail. If I place a date on an item the item is then added to my calendar (that I also use daily). Not the fancies but it keeps the list in front of my eyes as a constant reminder of what I need 'to do'.

to do

abraham profile image
Abraham Williams

I find Tasks Android app to be well done too.

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

Never knew about that feature! Thanks for sharing. I'm a big fan of Google Keep but it can be a bit inflexible.

ryaninvents profile image
Ryan Kennedy

Usually, I like my tech, but I do best when I keep it analog. Over the years I've created my own sort of shorthand for to-do lists.


I use circles in a similar manner for appointments and meetings, as well as a star system for importance:

  • * = important
  • ** = very important
  • *** = ridiculously important
  • FTLG = "for the love of God" -- usually for tasks I've been avoiding

Notebook: Leuchtturm 1917 with dotted grid. I used to use the "Whitelines" edition, but the Whitelines only has one bookmark ribbon sewn into the spine. The ordinary version has two bookmark ribbons, which is more useful for me since I frequently flip back and forth.

Writing implement: Fisher Space Pen with black grid and Rite in the Rain refills. (The black grid design seems to no longer be available affordably, but there's also a gold grid version which costs about what I paid for mine.) I've been on a mechanical pencil kick lately though.

programazing profile image
Christopher C. Johnson • Edited

I use the rapid logging version, circles, too because I could never draw a consistent box when I was rapidly writing things down.

ryaninvents profile image
Ryan Kennedy

Yeah, I frequently end up with "off-kilter" boxes. Using dot grid paper helps. I struggle with perfectionism though, so when I end up with triangles and odd trapezoids I try to just roll with it as long as they don't obscure the meaning of what I'm trying to write down.

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Damn, That notebook is AWWWESOOMEEE !!

skkeeper profile image
Fรกbio Andrรฉ Damas

I use a very simple analog checklist system where I just write down the things I eventually need to do, tag them with a few symbols, and make sure I resolve them as soon as possible. If something stays open for long I force myself to re-write further ahead of the notebook to re-think its importance or I just drop it.

The few icons I use are:

  • Little todo checkbox for normal tasks
  • โ— next to the box for urgent issues
  • โœ” for completed
  • โŒfor canceled
  • > for migrated (meaning it was ether rewritten further ahead or in other form)

I'm still evolving it as I need but I think keeping it as simple as possible is what is making me stick with it.

goyo profile image
Grzegorz Ziemonski

My system is basically the same as this with an extra question mark sign/icon for important questions that I have to answer later.

Simple and analog rocks!

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Absolutely ๐Ÿ˜Š

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Simple things often work. Nice ๐Ÿ˜Š

cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks

The Microsoft Launcher for Android has a basic to-do list built-in that I prefer, which I use mostly for personal tasks or for setting a notification time on reminders. I don't need to sync it to other devices or maintain a rich history of past tasks, and nits right on my homescreen so it works perfectly for me, even if it is pretty basic.

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Nice Launcher ๐Ÿ‘€

cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks

I love this launcher, been using it for years. Highly customizable, a lot of great hidden features, and just overall a really solid, well-built and well-thought-out launcher.

utkarsh profile image
Utkarsh Talwar

Been meaning to try the MS Launcher on my device for a while. Now I have another reason to. Thanks!

utkarsh profile image
Utkarsh Talwar

I've been using Todoist for a while and I'm quite happy with it. It has everything I need, a nice interface, and cross-platform compatibility so I can quickly add/review tasks whether I'm on my phone or my computer. I have the browser extension on both Firefox and Vivaldi. :D
This is what my to-do list looks like.

lschultebraucks profile image
Lasse Schultebraucks

I also use Todoist. Recently I wrote a blog post about how I use Todoist and Google Calendars to plan my days.

patrick profile image
Patrick Ziegler

I use Trello. Got inspired by another post here on

I basically use it to collect everything and then have a schedule where at the start of the week I plan my week with the tasks in other boards

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

I was waiting for someone to mention Trello ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

patrick profile image
Patrick Ziegler

Yeah, I also thought at least someone should have mentioned it by now.

filipe_mdsr profile image
Filipe Ramalho

I use Microsoft Todo and define a big task like "Redesign Homepage" and then make speficif subtasks like "Save old data", "Consider new Stack", ... With that system I not only plan out the task, but also can check progess. If I want to remind myself of something I also use a task on Microsoft Todo, but if it's something regular I use Alexa.
If I start a new project I make a list just for that project, so the Tasks may look like this

  • Daily list
    • Get groceries
  • Important list
    • Phone physician for results
  • Project 1
    • Redesign UI
      • Compare other UI's
      • Consider new Design language
      • ....
  • Project 2
  • Project 3
programazing profile image
Christopher C. Johnson

I just wanted to bring up this Kanban board method since I see people talking about Trello.

John Sonmez of Simple Programmer, now Bulldog Mindset, once put out a video of how he schedules his week using a Kanban board.

I tried this for a while but I wasn't able to keep on top of it. Other than that I really liked the idea and used Asana to do it since it has reoccurring cards.

hoelzro profile image
Rob Hoelz

I'm a big fan of TiddlyWiki - it serves as my todo list/personal wiki/developer journal. It's super customizable, which can sometimes prevent me from checking off some of the items on my todo list =)

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Wow, that's new.๐Ÿ˜ฏ

programazing profile image
Christopher C. Johnson

I use the basic rapid logging version of the Bullet Journal.

I eventually plan on learning some shorthand and coming up with a few symbols to help me out.

I used to have a work notebook and another one for my life but I found it easier to use one for both as long as I don't log any sensitive company info.

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Or personal too ๐Ÿ˜ƒ