DEV Community

Tatsuya Sato
Tatsuya Sato

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Undine v0.2.0 released

When developing, sometimes you might run your code to check how it works.
At that time, you might see an exception you didn't expect before.
What's next?
If I were you, I would google with the error message to find blog posts and documents dealing with the exception.
You too?

Today I released new version of Undine 🎉 : Undine adds a termination process at exit to open google search with error message of exception unrescued in your Ruby code.

GitHub logo satoryu / undine

Open your browser for searching the message of an unrescued exception.


Gem Version Build Status

Undine is a gem to help your development experience: When an exception unrescued in your code is raised, opens google search with the errror message in your browser.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'undine', group: :development
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And then execute:

    bundle install
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Or install it yourself as:

    gem install undine
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Just require 'undine' and Undine.load. That's it.


require 'undine'


def something_function
rescue => e
  warn e.message
  raise e

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Undine.load registers a post process to catch an unrescued exception and google its message. In this code, NoMethodError raises as String does not have foo method. As executing this code, you are going to see google search page with the error message:


Undine.configure is for users to customize behavior of Undine. The method gives a given block Undine::Configuration object.

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gem install undine
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Or if your app uses bundler add the following line to Gemfile:

gem 'undine', group: :development
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Undine.load registers a process to be executed at exit.
The process checks existence of exception unrescued in your code and open your browser to google with message of the exception as keyword.

Here is sample code:

require 'undine'


def something_function
rescue => e
  warn e.message
  raise e

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In this code, something_function raises NoMethodError and the exception is not rescued.
The process registered by Undine.load catches it and generates a query from the exception object, in default, just calls the exception's message.
The query is as follows:

Welcome Bug reports, feature requests and pull-requests!

I'm going to welcome any issue and pull-request 👍
Please open new issue or pull-request at the repo.

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