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Saurabh Saha
Saurabh Saha

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Dynamically Generating Interfaces and Validation Schemas in TypeScript with Yup

In a recent project, I encountered a problem where we needed to validate an object with keys dynamically defined by a constant map and enforce that at least one key has a valid value.

The Challenge

We had a MetadataMap object that defined valid keys and their corresponding types:

const MetadataMap = {
userId: Number,
utmSource: String,
utmMedium: String,
utmCampaign: String,
} as const;

From this map, we needed to:

  1. Dynamically generate a TypeScript interface to enforce type safety.
  2. Create a Yup validation schema that validates the object based on the map.
  3. Ensure at least one key in the object has a valid, non-undefined value.
  4. Avoid hardcoding keys to make the solution maintainable.

But, TypeScript enforces static types at compile time, while Yup handles runtime validation.

Step 1: Generating the Interface
To generate the TypeScript interface from the MetadataMap, we used keyof and mapped types. Hereโ€™s how we defined it:

type Metadata = {
[K in keyof typeof MetadataMap]: typeof MetadataMap[K] extends NumberConstructor
? number
: string;

This approach ensured that any updates to MetadataMap were automatically reflected in the Metadata interface. For example:

// Resulting Metadata interface:
interface Metadata {
userId?: number;
utmSource?: string;
utmMedium?: string;
utmCampaign?: string;

Step 2: Dynamically Generating the Yup Schema

We needed to dynamically create a Yup schema that matched the keys and types in MetadataMap. Using Object.keys and a reducer, we mapped each key to its corresponding Yup validator:

const metadataSchema = Yup.object(
Object.keys(MetadataMap).reduce((schema, key) => {
const type = MetadataMap[key as keyof typeof MetadataMap];
if (type === Number) {
schema[key] = Yup.number().optional();
} else if (type === String) {
schema[key] = Yup.string().optional();
return schema;
}, {} as Record<string, any>)

This method eliminated hardcoding and ensured that changes in MetadataMap were reflected in the schema without manual updates.

Step 3: Adding the โ€œAt Least One Keyโ€ Rule

The next challenge was ensuring that at least one key in the object had a defined value. We added a .test method to the Yup schema:

"Metadata must have at least one valid key.",
(value) => {
if (!value || typeof value !== "object") return false;
const validKeys = Object.keys(MetadataMap) as (keyof typeof MetadataMap)[];
return validKeys.some((key) => key in value && value[key] !== undefined);

This logic:

  1. Ensures the object is valid.
  2. Extracts valid keys dynamically from MetadataMap.
  3. Verifies that at least one key has a non-undefined value.

The Result
Hereโ€™s how the final schema behaves:

const exampleMetadata = {
userId: undefined,
utmSource: "google",
extraField: "invalid", // This key is ignored.

.then(() => console.log("Validation succeeded"))
.catch((err) => console.error("Validation failed:", err.errors));

In this example, validation succeeds because utmSource is a valid key with a non-undefined value, even though userId is undefined and extraField is not part of MetadataMap.

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