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Saurabh Kurve
Saurabh Kurve

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Key Python Terminologies for Beginners

Have you ever engaged in a conversation with a programmer and felt lost due to unfamiliar jargon? Or, perhaps you're a beginner in Python programming and have come across certain terms that you didn’t fully understand. Learning the common terminologies used in Python will not only help you explain your code more professionally, but it will also enable you to follow discussions more easily. This article explores essential Python terminologies with simple explanations, use cases, and examples to help you understand them quickly.

1. IDLE (Integrated Development and Learning Environment)

IDLE is a simple environment that allows you to write Python code easily. It comes bundled with Python and can be used to execute single statements or to create and modify Python scripts. It provides an interface for developers, especially beginners, to start writing Python without setting up complex environments.

Use Case:

  • Writing small Python programs quickly.
  • Testing code snippets before including them in larger projects.


When you open IDLE, you can directly type Python code:

>>> print("Hello from IDLE!")
Hello from IDLE!
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2. Python Shell

The Python Shell is an interactive environment where you can type in Python code, and it executes immediately. This is useful for testing bits of code without creating full scripts.

Use Case:

  • Testing a function or logic quickly.
  • Learning Python interactively.


>>> 2 + 2
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3. System Python

System Python refers to the version of Python that comes pre-installed with your operating system. For example, many Linux and Mac systems come with Python pre-installed.

Use Case:

  • Using Python tools or scripts that are specific to your operating system.
  • Checking compatibility of your Python version with the system’s environment.


To check the system's Python version, run:

$ python --version
Python 3.x.x
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4. Prompt

The Python prompt, represented by >>>, indicates that Python is waiting for your input. When you see this symbol, it means Python is ready to execute whatever instruction you provide.

Use Case:

  • Interactive Python programming.
  • Testing small code chunks or commands.


>>> print("Python is ready for input!")
Python is ready for input!
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5. REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print Loop)

REPL is a loop that continuously reads your input, evaluates it, prints the result, and waits for the next input. It is the backbone of the interactive Python experience.

Use Case:

  • Interactive code development.
  • Debugging and testing small blocks of code.


>>> 5 * 5
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In this case, Python reads 5 * 5, evaluates it as 25, prints 25, and waits for the next input.

6. Argument

An argument is a value passed to a function when it is called. Functions use arguments to perform operations. For example, in print("Hello World"), "Hello World" is the argument passed to the print function.

Use Case:

  • Passing dynamic values to functions for calculation or manipulation.


>>> def greet(name):
...     print(f"Hello, {name}")
>>> greet("Alice")
Hello, Alice
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Here, "Alice" is the argument passed to the greet function.

7. Function

A function is a block of code that performs a specific task. It can take input (arguments), process it, and return an output (return value). For example, print() is a function in Python.

Use Case:

  • Organizing and reusing code.
  • Simplifying complex logic by breaking it into manageable blocks.


>>> def add(a, b):
...     return a + b
>>> add(3, 4)
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In this case, add is a function that takes two arguments and returns their sum.

8. Return Value

The return value is the result a function gives back after executing its task. For instance, when you use the print() function, it prints a string to the console as a return value.

Use Case:

  • Capturing results from a function to use later in the program.
  • Debugging or logging output from a function.


>>> def square(num):
...     return num * num
>>> result = square(5)
>>> print(result)
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Here, 25 is the return value of the square function.

9. Script

A script is a Python file (usually with a .py extension) where you write and store Python code. Unlike interactive programming where you execute one line at a time, scripts allow you to execute multiple lines of code at once.

Use Case:

  • Writing full programs or automating tasks.
  • Developing Python applications.


Suppose you write the following code in a file called

print("This is a Python script.")
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You can execute this script with the command:

$ python
This is a Python script.
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10. Script Files

Script files refer to files that contain Python code, which can be executed with a single command. These are useful when you want to save and share your code with others.

Use Case:

  • Organizing your code into reusable files.
  • Sharing projects or programs with other developers.


Saving your Python code in and running:

$ python
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Understanding these common Python terminologies is crucial for anyone learning the language or trying to communicate their code more effectively. As you become familiar with terms like IDLE, Shell, Functions, Arguments, and more, you'll find it easier to navigate the Python programming world, whether you're writing code, collaborating with others, or debugging. Make sure to practice these concepts regularly to cement your understanding!

Top comments (2)

honor_soke_b6e75fff4660a profile image
Honoré SOKE

Good writing

saurabhkurve profile image
Saurabh Kurve