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Joshua Abel Alhassan
Joshua Abel Alhassan

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Stress Management and Developer Health

This article is an excerpt from the Contejas Code Podcast, with Tejas Kumar featuring Michelle Bakels, Program Director at G2i, “How to Optimize Developer Health, Burnout Recovery, and Performance.”

This hiring community (G2i) connects vetted developers with companies needing talent. The discussion in this episode centers around the importance of developer health, addressing burnout, recovery strategies, and optimizing performance through effective health protocols.

G2i helps developers and companies by ensuring a thorough vetting process and matching skilled developers with suitable job opportunities. Michelle Bakels, who also leads the Developer Health Initiative at G2i, organizes the annual React Miami conference and is passionate about improving developer well-being.

A key focus of the episode is G2i’s Developer Health Operating System (OS), a framework designed to optimize developer health outcomes. This system guides individuals, teams, and organizations, helping them track and improve health outcomes with a structured workbook. The Developer Health OS is the product of collaboration with industry experts and healthcare professionals, with G2i investing significant resources to make it a practical tool for the industry.

The conversation touches on critical aspects of developer health, such as recognizing burnout, recovery techniques, preventing burnout, and enhancing performance through strong health protocols. It is especially relevant for individuals who have experienced burnout or work in high-pressure environments and team leaders responsible for ensuring the well-being of their developers.

To watch the full episode on YouTube, click here


In this excerpt of the podcast, Tejas Kumar (Host) and Michelle Bakels (guest) talked about understanding stress, emotional health, the story power of naps, the wholistic view of Mental, Physical, and Emotional Health, and developer Health OS

Understanding Stress: Is It All Bad?

Stress is commonly painted as a negative force that leads to burnout, health issues, and decreased performance. However, research shows that how individuals perceive stress can drastically change how it impacts them.

The Mindset Shift Experiment

An experiment was conducted with two groups:

  • Group A was told that stress is harmful, with risks like heart disease and early death.

  • Group B was told that stress could be beneficial, citing examples of stress fueling extraordinary human accomplishments.

The results? Group B, who believed that stress could be enhanced, performed better under pressure than Group A. This suggests that mindset plays a critical role in how we experience stress.

Note: Not all stress is inherently bad. By shifting the narrative around stress, developers can leverage it to increase their performance rather than being limited by its negative aspects. For those from challenging backgrounds, stress can be the driving force behind their success. But a key point is to check whether the stress you're experiencing is worth the potential emotional and physical costs.

Emotional Health: The Overlooked Component

In the tech industry, discussions around well-being often focus on physical health (e.g., ergonomic workspaces) and mental health (e.g., reducing cognitive overload). Emotional health, however, frequently takes a back seat, despite being just as important.

Emotional Health and Its Impact

Emotional health affects managing stress, interacting with colleagues, and approaching problem-solving. Emotions trigger chemical changes in the body, influencing hormones and stress levels. Ignoring emotional health can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and strained work relationships.

The Workplace Perception of Emotional Health

Traditionally, emotional health has been seen as a "soft" topic, less professional, or less important than physical and mental health. Yet, emotions are a core part of the human experience and directly influence work performance.

The Story of Power Naps

Language and branding have a significant impact on how health-related practices are perceived. Take, for example, the concept of "power naps."

The Origin of Power Naps

Initially, short naps during work hours were introduced under the term "prophylactic napping," a medical term emphasizing the cognitive and physical benefits. However, pilots and other professionals rejected the concept, finding the term unappealing.

It wasn’t until the term was rebranded as a "power nap" that the practice gained widespread acceptance. The new name suggested strength, energy, and productivity — much more appealing to a professional audience.

The Holistic View: Mental, Physical, and Emotional Health

For developers, the give-and-take between mental, physical, and emotional health is critical to maintaining high performance over time. Neglecting any one of these areas can lead to imbalances that affect productivity, creativity, and overall well-being.

The Interconnection of Health Domains

  • Mental Health: Focuses on cognitive load, problem-solving, and dealing with complex issues.

  • Physical Health: Concerns about ergonomics, exercise, and minimizing physical strain from long hours at the desk.

  • Emotional Health: This deals with how developers process stress, handle interpersonal relationships, and navigate their feelings about work.

When emotional health is ignored, mental and physical health often suffer. Developers might experience stress-induced headaches, lack of focus, and emotional exhaustion, which can lead to longer-term burnout.

Developer Health OS (Operating System)

As awareness of developers' health grows around developers face, there has been increasing interest in creating systems to support their well-being. One such initiative is the Developer Health OS — a framework that aims to provide developers with resources, tools, and support for managing their health holistically.

The Goal of Developer Health OS

The initiative seeks to:

  • Support developers in managing stress. Through tools, techniques, and frameworks that help developers use stress productively.

  • Promote mental and emotional well-being. Encouraging conversations around emotional health and providing support mechanisms for handling stress and burnout.

  • Enhance physical health. Offering advice on ergonomic workspaces, physical exercises, and work-life balance strategies.

The goal is to empower developers not just to work harder but to work smarter with their health and well-being as priorities. This kind of support system is essential in an industry where long hours and high mental demands are common.


The article highlights the importance of stress management and its impact on developers' well-being. It explains how stress can be beneficial and harmful, emphasizing the need for a mindset shift. Emotional health, often overlooked, is important for managing stress and maintaining productivity. Concepts like "power naps" are reframed to show the importance of how health initiatives are presented. A holistic approach is essential, balancing mental, physical, and emotional health. The Developer Health OS initiative is introduced as a framework to support overall well-being, and prioritizing these aspects is key for long-term success in the tech industry.

**P.S. This article is an excerpt from “How to Optimize Developer Health, Burnout Recovery, and Performance” from the <Contejas /> podcast. Listen to the full episode on Spotify and Apple. Don’t forget to follow, like, and share with your network!

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