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Sean Lee
Sean Lee

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TryHackMe: Enumeration & Brute Force


Reset password

Check for session tokens in the URL:


In the example above, we can see that the token is 3 digits. We can capture this request to Burp Suite, send it to intruder, highlighting the 123.

Then we generate a list of tokens.

crunch 3 3 -o otp.txt -t %%% -s 100 -e 200

  • 3: minimum digits
  • 3: maximum digits
  • -o otp.txt: output file
  • -t %%%: output format
  • -s 100: start from
  • -e 200: ends at

Using Sniper Attack and Simple List payload, we can start the attack.

We then check for the longest content length, taking a peek at its response.

Basic Authentication

Input username and password, capture the request in Burp Suite, check out encoded credentials. We have an example of credentials encoded with Base64.

Image description

In this example the encoded credentials are under the Authorization: Basic <credentials>

Image description

As we decode it, we get the format username:password.

Image description

We can instead brute force our way in using 500-worst-passwords or any other password list.

We add a prefix rule as the username.

Image description

We also add the Base64 encode rule as the credentials are encoded with Base64 and sent to the server.

Image description

We should also remove the character "=" (equal sign) from the encoding because base64 uses "=" for padding.

Image description

Start the attack and look out for the request with valid status code (200-399) and check its response.

Relics of the Past

Using Wayback Machine, we can check past versions of sites, perhaps old unremoved directories which can act as a backdoor into the website.

We can install it onto our machine here.

  • git clone
  • cd waybackurls
  • sudo apt install golang-go -y
  • go build

Example output:

user@tryhackme $ ./waybackurls
[-- snip --]
[-- snip --]
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

By crafting specific search queries, known as Google Dorks, you can find information that wasn’t meant to be public. These queries can pull up everything from exposed administrative directories to logs containing passwords and indices of sensitive directories. For example:

  • To find administrative panels: inurl:admin
  • To unearth log files with passwords: filetype:log "password"
  • To discover backup directories: intitle:"index of" "backup"

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