New Release of small/forms: 1.7.0
- Now supports form creation: the adapter annotation can now process classes with a recursive definition.
- New method: fillFromObject
- Added the objectToArray method to serialize an object into a PHP array.
class InputBasic
private string $string;
private bool $boolean;
private int $int;
private float $float;
#[ArrayType(new IntType())]
private array $array;
private InputBasic|null $subObject = null;
$dto = new \Small\Forms\Test\Fixture\InputObject\InputBasic();
$dto->setArray([2, 3]);
(new \Small\Forms\Test\Fixture\InputObject\InputBasic())
->setArray([6, 7])
$form = \Small\Forms\Form\FormBuilder::createFromAdapter(
new \Small\Forms\Adapter\AnnotationAdapter($dto)
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