DEV Community

Sendil Kumar
Sendil Kumar

Posted on • Edited on • Originally published at

Git basics - Git + Hub makes it easy βœ¨πŸ’‘πŸ‘

From being cool hipster kid, Git has transformed into an absolute necessary in your toolkit.

Mastering Git is essential and important thing in your career.

Here is a quick list of commands that you might need to use:

Note: By no means this is a complete Git 101. But just a few commands that will be useful.


Install Hub from GitHub.

For Mac brew install hub
For Windows scoop | choco install hub
For Fedora sudo dnf install hub
For Debian sudo apt install hub

Create an alias for hub as git


The most important thing with Git is to add your username and email configuration. You can set the user name and email configuration globally using the following commands.

$ git config --global "John Doe"
$ git config --global
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Create a project

To create a project to both local and remote with out opening browser.

$ mkdir awesome-project
$ cd awesome-project
$ git init                          // Initializes git repo
$ git add .                        // Adds files and directories
$ git commit -am "Initial commit" // commits the changes
$ git create                     // Creates a remote repository
$ git push                      // push the changes
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Clone a project

Interested in a project and want to contribute? You can clone and use the repository.

$ git clone <org>/<repository> // Clone the repo
$ cd <repository>             // Go inside
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It is something that you want to contribute for a long time or customize something. Well you can fork it too.

$ git fork --remote-name=origin  // Fork the repo
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Checkout the branch

Working on a feature branch. Check them out.

$ git checkout <branch-name>
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Have some intermediate working files? Want to store it temporarily, stash it.

$ git stash
$ git checkout <branch-name>
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Want to go back to stash.

$ git stash list
$ git stash apply 
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Checkout the PR

But sometimes you just need to checkout a PR to check. Maintainers (or) reviewers will ❀️ it.

$ git pr list -L 20 --format='%t [%H] | %U%n' // List down the PRs
$ git pr checkout  <pr-number>               // Check out a particular PR
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Well in mid of PR review and there are more changes don't worry.

$ git am -3<org>/<repo>/pull/<pr-number>
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Created a PR - Want to rebase it to a single commit

Most project maintainers, want their Git history clean. This simple task will make the project history easy to understand and maintain. Often you might have faced situations where the maintainers will ask you to rebase the commit to single commit.

$ git rebase -i HEAD~<number_of_commits>
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Well, that is easy but it will be tricky when you want to rebase wit master or with some merge conflicts. You can address that by:

$ git rebase -i master
// (fix the conflicts)
$ git add .
$ git rebase --continue
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Want to abort it via git rebase --abort.

Browse issues

Wanna look the issues to grab. Find it difficult to type the entire GitHub URL. You can do it with hub.

$ git browse --issues
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Other commands that I use a lot

To get the status of my current repository

$ git status
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To log the commit history

$ git log
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To amend the commit log

$ git commit --amend 
<amend the commit>
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To sign off a commit:

git commit --amend --signoff
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