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Crafting a mobile menu with Tailwind CSS without JavaScript

Seppe Gadeyne on April 28, 2023

Welcome to this blog post, where I'll walk you through building a mobile menu using only Tailwind CSS and HTML, without JavaScript. This approach i...
stankukucka profile image
Stan Kukučka

@seppegadeyne great tutorial. I was looking for a non-js solution in Tailwind. Is it possible to modify the menu the way it will act the same as here:

seppegadeyne profile image
Seppe Gadeyne

Hi @stankukucka, thank you for your feedback. It is also possible. I will make an example and add it to the tutorial later.

seppegadeyne profile image
Seppe Gadeyne

Hi @stankukucka, Thanks for working together to create a vertical dropdown menu like on You can view the demo and source on Github.

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stankukucka profile image
Stan Kukučka

Thanks @seppegadeyne it was a great experience to work together on such a "small project".

godfreymutebi profile image
Mutebi Godfrey

if i want to change the background color from black to white . I want it to be white before and black after click.

seppegadeyne profile image
Seppe Gadeyne

Hi @godfreymutebi, If you have three lines, you can do so by adjusting the background color of the before and after content + background color. So before the click, white = before:bg-white bg-white after:bg-white and then black after click = before:peer-checked:bg-black peer-checked:bg-black after:peer-checked:bg-black. I hope this can help you.

godfreymutebi profile image
Mutebi Godfrey

thanks, its what i deed

andberry profile image
Andrea Berardi

Thank you so much for sharing this, great post!

vtuz profile image

Very nice solution. I'm thinking of use similar not only for menu but to separate screens of content in mobile devices.

wade_thomas_8bf988797662d profile image
Wade Thomas • Edited

Hi, I really love this approach but Im not getting the menu lines to rotate to form the close button. Everything else works fine. The code is exactly as you have it. I'm not sure what I missed. I'm using react router framework.

iliya1385 profile image
Blue boii

its amazing
but i want when i click on any links in menu, menu be closed

thrasher profile image
Enrico Monzeglio

Great! thanks for sharing.