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Try your first Hive Adventure now

Hello fellow adventurers!

I'm working on a choose-your-own-adventure (CYOA) text game creation platform built on Hive. If you haven't read it yet, here's the project announcement post.

Today I'd like to announce the first publicly available website at

The goal is a local testing environment where you can play and refine your adventure games right in your browser. Whether you're an experienced game designer or just starting to explore the world of interactive storytelling, this feature offers a safe space for you to experiment, iterate, and perfect your narratives. Think of it as a sandbox environment, where you can:

  • Experiment freely: take your time and explore various storylines, tweak dialogues, and change endings without the pressure of whether it's ready for an audience.
  • Preview and play your game as if you were the player, allowing you to catch plot holes, improve pacing, and enhance the overall flow of your adventure.
  • Catch any issues or errors to ensure that all paths, choices, and endings work exactly as intended.

All this without having to publish the game on the blockchain.

Whether you're building a sprawling fantasy epic with countless choices or a small, personal narrative, the ability to privately test your game is invaluable. By working iteratively, you can continuously refine your branching paths, dialogue options, and plot twists—without worrying about exposing unfinished work to your audience.

The current state

The current version is considered to be an alpha version and runs on a cheap VPS. It should be up and running though. Please report any errors.

The next steps

I'm currently working on the integration with Hive.
The game data will be read from the blockchain data, translated into an html page and this is what will be served to the user.
I have a rough version working on my local machine, but I need to work on some more integration details.

That's all for now. Head over to and create your first adventure today!

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