Today, I will discuss my first experience working on 6502 Emulator.
The 6502 is an 8-bit processor with a 16-bit address bus. It is, therefore, able to access 64 kilobytes (216 bytes). Since each 16-bit address is comprised of two 8-bit bytes, memory can be viewed as 256 pages of 256 bytes each.
We have two tasks to do:
Calculate how long it takes for the code to execute, assuming a 1 MHz clock speed?
Calculate the execution time of the fastest version of this program that you can create?
Calculate how long it takes for the code to execute, assuming a 1 MHz clock speed?
First of all, below, you can see the code I'm about to work with and count how long it takes to execute it.
lda #$00 ; set a pointer at $40 to point to $0200
sta $40
lda #$02
sta $41
lda #$07 ; colour number
ldy #$00 ; set index to 0
loop: sta ($40),y ; set pixel at the address (pointer)+Y
iny ; increment index
bne loop ; continue until done the page
inc $41 ; increment the page
ldx $41 ; get the current page number
cpx #$06 ; compare with 6
bne loop ; continue until done all pages
To calculate this code, we will need special docs with the time of each command execution.
I've decided to share my calculation via a photo of excel because it seems more informational.
Calculate the execution time of the fastest version of this program ?
I tried to optimize code and decided to see how different our professor did the same work in class. Code below.
LDA #$00
STA $10
LDY #$02
STA $11
LDA #$07
LDY #$00
LOOP: STA ($10),Y
INC $11
LDX #$06
CPX $11
I didn't find what I could change to make the first code faster, but I think this code can execute in fewer cycles after I did small calculations.
While working on these experiments, I did solve a minor bug in Assembly Compiler. See the Link to the pull request.
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p.s This post was made for my SPO class Lab 2 assignment
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