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Cover image for Add Enter after barcode with Honeywell PDA
Sergio Peris
Sergio Peris

Posted on • Originally published at

Add Enter after barcode with Honeywell PDA

If you have a Honeywell PDA, you can change the configuration to insert the Enter character after a reading a barcode so that it is automatically entered into the input where it was located.

To do this you have to follow the next steps:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Press Honeywell Settings
  3. Press Scanning settings
  4. Press Internal Scanner
  5. Press Defaults or Default Profile
  6. Press Data Processing Settings
  7. Press Suffix Key

Here you have different options:

  • \x0D\x0A: For a "CRLF" or "\r\n" (Windows-like new line)
  • \x0D: For a "CR" or "\r"
  • \x0A: For a "LF" or "\n" (Linux-line new line)
  • \x09: For a "Tab"

You can try the different options to know what's the best for your needs.

As we use it in a website, for us the best is LF, so our Suffix Key is \x0A.

You also should set the value of Wedge as keys to 9,10,13

Remember to tap OK to save the change.


A reboot of the device might be required for the options to be installed.

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