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Sh Raj
Sh Raj

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10 Free GitHub Copilot Alternatives for VS Code in 2024

10 Free GitHub Copilot Alternatives for VS Code in 2024

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As developers, we're always on the lookout for tools that can help us write code more efficiently. GitHub Copilot has been a game-changer in this regard, but its premium pricing may be a deterrent for some. Fortunately, there are several free alternatives available that offer similar functionality. In this article, we'll explore 10 of the best free GitHub Copilot alternatives for Visual Studio Code in 2024.

Comparison of Free GitHub Copilot Alternatives

Tool Language Support Auto-Completion Code Generation Code Explanation
Bito Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, C#, C++, Go, Ruby, PHP, Swift, Kotlin, Rust, Scala
Tabnine Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, C#, C++, Go, Ruby, PHP, Swift, Kotlin, Rust, Scala
Amazon CodeWhisperer Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, C#, C++, Go, Ruby, PHP
Codeium Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, C#, C++, Go, Ruby, PHP, Swift, Kotlin, Rust, Scala
Cody Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, C#, C++, Go, Ruby, PHP, Swift, Kotlin, Rust, Scala
FauxPilot Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, C#, C++, Go, Ruby, PHP, Swift, Kotlin, Rust, Scala
Tabby Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, C#, C++, Go, Ruby, PHP, Swift, Kotlin, Rust, Scala
CodeGeeX Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, C#, C++, Go, Ruby, PHP, Swift, Kotlin, Rust, Scala
AskCodi Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, C#, C++, Go, Ruby, PHP, Swift, Kotlin, Rust, Scala
Blackbox AI Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, C#, C++, Go, Ruby, PHP, Swift, Kotlin, Rust, Scala

1- Bito

Bito is an AI-powered code assistant that offers auto-completion, code generation, and code explanation capabilities. It supports a wide range of programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, C#, C++, Go, Ruby, PHP, Swift, Kotlin, Rust, and Scala. Bito is known for its intuitive user interface and seamless integration with VS Code.

2- Tabnine

Tabnine is a popular code completion tool that uses machine learning to provide intelligent auto-completion suggestions. While it doesn't offer code generation or explanation capabilities like Copilot, Tabnine is highly accurate and can significantly speed up your coding process. It supports a variety of programming languages and integrates seamlessly with VS Code.

3- Amazon CodeWhisperer

Amazon CodeWhisperer is a recently launched AI-powered code completion and generation tool from Amazon Web Services (AWS). It supports Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, C#, C++, Go, Ruby, and PHP, and offers auto-completion and code generation capabilities. CodeWhisperer is free to use for AWS customers, making it an attractive option for developers working with AWS services.

4- Codeium

Codeium is an AI-powered coding assistant that offers auto-completion, code generation, and code explanation features. It supports a wide range of programming languages and can be integrated with VS Code via an extension. Codeium's code explanation capability is particularly useful for understanding complex code snippets and learning new programming concepts.

5- Cody

Cody is a free and open-source code completion tool that uses machine learning to provide intelligent auto-completion suggestions. It supports a variety of programming languages and can be easily integrated with VS Code. While Cody doesn't offer code generation or explanation capabilities like some other alternatives, it's a reliable and efficient tool for code completion.

6- FauxPilot

FauxPilot is a lightweight and open-source alternative to GitHub Copilot that offers auto-completion and code generation capabilities. It supports a wide range of programming languages and can be easily integrated with VS Code. FauxPilot is known for its fast performance and low resource consumption.

7- Tabby

Tabby is a code completion and generation tool that uses machine learning to provide intelligent suggestions. It supports a variety of programming languages and can be easily integrated with VS Code. While Tabby doesn't offer code explanation capabilities, it's a reliable and efficient tool for auto-completion and code generation.

8- CodeGeeX

CodeGeeX is an AI-powered code completion and generation tool that supports a wide range of programming languages. It can be integrated with VS Code and offers auto-completion and code generation capabilities. CodeGeeX is known for its accuracy and ability to understand complex code snippets.

9- AskCodi

AskCodi is an AI-powered coding assistant that offers auto-completion, code generation, and code explanation capabilities. It supports a wide range of programming languages and can be easily integrated with VS Code. AskCodi's code explanation feature is particularly useful for understanding complex code snippets and learning new programming concepts.

10- Blackbox AI

Blackbox AI is a code completion and generation tool that uses machine learning to provide intelligent suggestions. It supports a variety of programming languages and can be integrated with VS Code. While Blackbox AI doesn't offer code explanation capabilities, it's a reliable and efficient tool for auto-completion and code generation.

Ollama - llama coder
It's new and trending. It uses your pc resources means you can run it offline also. from ollama

These are just a few of the many free GitHub Copilot alternatives available for Visual Studio Code in 2024. Each tool has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it's important to evaluate your specific needs and preferences before choosing one. Whether you're looking for auto-completion, code generation, or code explanation capabilities, there's a free alternative out there that can help you write code more efficiently.

Top comments (15)

equiman profile image
Camilo Martinez • Edited

I've tested Codeium and it works excellent, and it's genually free.
I'm actually working with Copilot at work, and feels slow against Codeium.

I would recommend you, adding links to each site, to get an easy access.

lacostenycoder profile image
Lance Jordan

Yeah I've found this to be more useful in general than Co-Pilot who's worst feature is sometimes it refuses to answer questions because of "code similarity(wtf?)" so this is my daily go-to.

sh20raj profile image
Sh Raj

Is it real bro 😎
Do you use codium premium or something or you have a better pc for running models loccaly....

equiman profile image
Camilo Martinez

I'm using (with an e) maybe you are taking about (with an e).

cn-2k profile image

Codeium is amazing, can't imagine how they make such a good extension like this.

sh20raj profile image
Sh Raj

I would recommend you to use code llama with custom models (runs locally)

paid42broke profile image
Korvorsia Jina

Code 38: testing 02.04 02:27pm Gregg County unknown street 101 failure to appear, attempted request report ideas news for some reason recognized report were failed email address January 1, 2004 term conditions not noticed published to input 1,000 words like a basic math problem

valeriahhdez profile image
Valeria writes docs

I also use Codium and I like it, but I'd also try some of the recommendations you give. Thanks for the list

sh20raj profile image
Sh Raj

Yep 👍❤️ Your Welcome 🤗 Thanks for the appreciation ✨

richardevcom profile image

Tabnine is a great alternative. Been using it for a while now.

sh20raj profile image
Sh Raj

Yes it's quite popular also ♥️

laerciolopesll profile image

To me tabnine was a terrible experience... Codium works nicely!

sh20raj profile image
Sh Raj

How ?
The popups are irritating or something else ?

laerciolopesll profile image

Bad code suggestions and slowness

ronakjain2012 profile image
Ronak Bokaria

Thank you for sharing