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Reshma Shaik
Reshma Shaik

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Python Version Setup

To see the updated python version in commandline after installing the latest version of python from official website, after setting up into your system.

1.Open the commandline or powershell to check for the updated version, and type python --version
2.if you see the latest version as a result then you are good to go.
3.But, if u see the result as previous version even after installing the latest version successfully like-

  • if u have previously 3.10 version and u want to update to latest like 3.13 and ur set up was done successfully by installing to ur system.
  • and when u verify the version ur getting same previous one which should not.
  • we will fix this by positioning the path from evironment variables. 4.Open environment variables to check whether it is added to the path or not
  • Press windows+R and type sysdm.cpl and hit enter.

  • Go to advanced and Select Environment Variables


  • then go to System Variables and select path and click on edit and see if the path was there or not


After selecting if u see there is a path see the position and select the python313 and its scripts, moveup to the top


Hit ok and Now exit the cmd and open again.
Now check python --version You will get the updated version


You are good to go Now.

Happy Developing!


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