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How do you deal with Mouse Arm Syndrome ! Re : Tips that worked for me.

Mouse Arm Syndrome is a condition that affects the hand, wrist and shoulder that normally occurs in desk workers that are subject to repetitive strain using the mouse and keyboard.

How do you deal with it and What measures you take to avoid it ?

Top comments (15)

shammisharma profile image

UPDATE : My wrist pain is gone now.
I tried some of the tips suggested in comments.

  1. Wrist excercises.
  2. Kept my wrist closer to body
  3. Used mobile with left hand
  4. Wrist rest pad proved very helpful
shammisharma profile image

Replacing many mouse actions with keyboard will surely help me a lot. I do sometimes implement this practice but unknowingly I switch back to mouse again 😅 Have to work on that I guess.

nombrekeff profile image

I haven't had any issues with this as of yet (after almost 7 years working full time as a developer), I think this is in part because I do sport on a regular basis, climbing in particular. Some of my training targets the wrists, forearms and shoulders, so I have them conditioned quite well.

There are specific exercises you can do daily to help prevent the syndrome. If you can try to also setup the desk, mouse and keyboard in an ergonomic way. This will also prevent you from damaging yourself (there are many resources out there on how to do it).

First you need to know what is causing the issues, is it repetitive motion? is it because you have bad posture? is your setup not ergonomic? is it excessive work hours? Then once you know the cause, you can look for a solution.

But I'd say the most important thing is to control yourself, don't overwork and do some exercise you enjoy, better if it targets your weaknesses (wrists, arms and shoulders). Maybe push ups are a good starting point. Also planks could work good in this case.

shammisharma profile image

Oh hi Keff you've been !
Actually I also didn't have such problem for past 5 years but lately It is bothering me too much, mainly the right wrist.
I'm not quite sure about the cause as such but I will surely try to add some wrist strengthening excercises 👍🏻

nombrekeff profile image

I've been alright!! but haven't been around DEV for a while though!!

Hope the exercises work well for you!

leviarista profile image
Leví Arista

Talking about it, I don't know if it helps, but has anyone used an ergonomic mouse?

microjam profile image
Redge Shepherd

I own a Logitech Vertical mouse and I can't say it helped. The grip angle is uniquely designed to orient the hand as shown in your picture. It took a while to adapt to this new posture.

I've been using a mouse soon after they were released to the market too many years ago to remember. I haven't suffered any ill effects as a result. I still prefer using my MX Master 3S as it seems to do a much better job of cradling the hand and supporting the curvature of the palm.

I seldom use the vertical mouse, but I have one if the situation changes.

leviarista profile image
Leví Arista

Advice appreciated.
Thank you! 👍

msdeibel profile image
Markus Deibel

I blogged about this in January last year, referring to Josh Comeau's story about almost losing his ability to write code with his hands.

Check it out at

shammisharma profile image

very informative blog Markus 👍🏻

sorincostea profile image
Sorin Costea

Hand exercise. There's the wrist ball exercise gadget - google for it - to strengthen your forearm/finger musculature, plus anything else for your arms. Even regular weight lifting helps.

shammisharma profile image

I will surely check this one out. Thank you for your time Sorin

frankfont profile image
Frank Font

Don't move your arm so much. Adjust the sensitivity of your mouse so the forearm stays put even to move across the entire screen.

shammisharma profile image

Thanks for the suggestion. I tred it but wasn't very helpful when I was using Photoshop & Illustrator like softwares too, where I can't afford to go even 1 off pixel. High sensitivity was hindrance in placing the cursor exactly where I wanted to.
For other tasks like browsing it's a good hack.