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Compiler In One Byte

This is a submission for DEV Computer Science Challenge v24.06.12: One Byte Explainer.


A program that takes your code and breaks it into small meaningful pieces and checks for errors and forms a tree of expressions and translates to a low-level language like assembly lang.Why we need it?Just because we are lazy to write assembly code.

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Q)Why should I know about it?
Ans.)Just for GK that you don't need to compile if you are a lazy Js dev like me.

Top comments (1)

tiredonwatch profile image
triedonwatch • Edited

"Just because we are lazy to write assembly code" Understanding your hardware, the Opcode, Memory Management. Assembly language is broken into tiny steps, and the needing to keep track of whatever is going on whilst you're writing is painful, and now, looking at how much we've advanced. Using assembly in modern applications isn't going to work it out, let's say you can't really use C for GUI because it lacks a lot of features other languages provide. And if there's an error, tracking the error and how to fix it would be a problem in assembly for companies, nevertheless, I agree assembly is just so good.