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Micro-Frontends: The Next Big Thing or Just Hype?

Shaunak Das on February 26, 2025

If you’ve been anywhere near web development circles lately, you’ve probably heard the buzz about micro-frontends. It’s being pitched as the shin...
pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo

I vote on micro frontend without fw. My POC solution is keep each html page distinct and don't use framework, just a JSX and Tailwind which is give at the end a really minimal cose size. I know this method don't fit for a larger application, but I try to push forward this idea:

shaunak_38 profile image
Shaunak Das

Hey Peter, thanks for sharing your POC! Going framework-less with JSX and Tailwind is an interesting angle—definitely keeps the bundle lean, especially for smaller projects. I can see the appeal for minimal setups, and it’s cool you’re pushing that boundary. You’re right though, scaling that up could get tricky with larger apps needing more structure. Have you run into any specific challenges with state management or routing yet? Would love to hear more!

pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo

I using zero routing: each independent html can call as route. I did not reach the next state where need to be pass some minor state to a page, or even I try to process the url parameters.

State handling is this simple function don't need to bind to view even work on nodejs side also:

/** @type {<T>(watcher?: function) => (state?: T | object) => T} */
export const signal = (watcher = () => { }) => (state = {}) => {
  return new Proxy(state, {
    get: (target, prop) => target[prop],
    set: (target, prop, value) => {
      target[prop] = (value !== null && typeof value === 'object')
        ? signal(watcher)(value)
        : value
      watcher(target, prop, value);
      return true;
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craigmorrison profile image
Craig Morrison

I think the issue with scaling this approach up to a large scale where micro-frontends have a use case isn’t technical but social.

You’re essentially creating your own lightweight framework, which can be very efficient and personally rewarding. However, on a big project that’s extra onboarding friction for developers and a lot to document and explain to a large team.

pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo

You right. This solution is not battle tested. For a big project need a solution which have easy onboarding friction. It just reflect as POC stuff, if we found a real lightweight FE solution then don't need to build a monolith application. Because as I know the monolit solution is download too much extra dependency ( even a too complex CSS sytem ) to every page, or using a SPA which is same.

getsetgopi profile image

We have implemented micro-frontends using webpack mod fed, and it's working fine for us. We are also exploring and OpenComponents to see how they can fit into our existing front-end ecosystem and bridge the gap of micro frontends known challenges.

webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

Module Federation is not a real MFE solution. It is just a way to share modules. You can only do MFE if they are the same technology: React to React, Vue to Vue, etc.

The best real MFE solution is single-spa. It is technology-agnostic and is incredibly simple to use.

getsetgopi profile image

I appreciate your astute observation, Our development philosophy indeed emphasizes a streamlined, one-to-one approach rather than amalgamating numerous frameworks and libraries within a single application. This strategy is rooted in several key principles:
Performance Optimization, Maintainability, Scalability, Developer Efficiency, Reduced Learning Curve, Stability, Clear Architecture and Future-Proofing.

This philosophy of simplicity and focus aligns with best practices in software engineering, emphasizing the creation of robust, efficient, and sustainable applications. It allows us to deliver high-quality solutions while avoiding the pitfalls associated with overly complex technological ecosystems (single-spa, next, remix etc.,).

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webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

An AI response if I have ever seen one.

I don't know why you feel the need to explain yourself. Do as you must. I just pointed out a limitation of Module Federation and volunteered an alternative.

shaunak_38 profile image
Shaunak Das

Great to hear micro-frontends are working well for your team with Webpack module federation, I’m curious about your experience with and OpenComponents—are there any particular challenges or benefits you’ve noticed when integrating them into your front-end ecosystem? It’d be helpful to learn how they’re addressing the gaps you mentioned.

webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

The decision matrix is incorrect, or at the very least, incomplete, because it doesn't take into account the migration of frameworks. I just thought I should mention it if anyone will really use it to decide.

shaunak_38 profile image
Shaunak Das

Hey José, good catch—thanks for pointing that out! You’re absolutely right that framework migration can be a big factor, especially with the overhead it might bring. I focused on the high-level decision points, but adding migration complexity (e.g., gradual adoption or tech debt) would definitely make the matrix more robust. I’ll consider updating it—any thoughts on how you’d weigh that in the decision process? Appreciate the input!

webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

I'd say it is very important. Even for a team of 1 developer, micro-frontends should be a great option to gradually move from one old, cracked and hopeless (React, hehe) technology into a newer, faster, better, funner (Svelte! 😄) technology.

dmitrii_boikov profile image
Dmitrii Boikov

HI. Thanks for the article. I thought that currently, everyone is in full power for Next.js and such as the next shiny thing.

I'm currently working on an article about NX mono repo, and firstly, I wanted to comment that micro frontends are not that useful for most products. Still, I realized that the Micro-Frontend is the next logical step in the mono-repo setup.
It changed the direction of my article a little bit🙂

shaunak_38 profile image
Shaunak Das

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Dmitri!

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