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Aakash Ahmed
Aakash Ahmed

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Best way to learn react js for free

React js is a library developed by Facebook, for building user interfaces quickly. It is declarative and component-based. It lets you develop the application in components, which can be re-used anywhere. React js makes it painless to create complex UIs quickly. It is the latest trending framework for developing web applications. You can also use React to create mobile applications, but there is another version for this purpose, which is called React Native. In today’s world, everyone is trying to add React to his/her skills to be on top of the chain. Many free and paid resources are available online to learn React js. I have written this article to gather free resources for the best way to learn React js for free. Here is the list of resources.

1- Scrimba – Learn React JS for free
best way to learn react js for free on scrimba
A free course for beginners to learn React JS for free is available on scrimba. This is the perfect React 101 course as it offers a fun way to learn React Js by doing some exercises online on the platform. It has an online in-video editor, which lets you pause and stop the video and edit the code written in the video and run that instantly.

View the course here

2- Freecodecamp – React tutorial for beginners
best way to learn react js for free in codecamp tutorial also has an updated React Js tutorial for beginners, which teaches you the basics of React js including JSX, creating and reusing components, using hooks, class components, and a bunch of other stuff. It is worthwhile following this tutorial.

View the tutorial here

3- Guru99 – React js tutorial
guru99 best way to learn react js for free
Guru99 has a great React js tutorial for beginners with a lot of code examples. It has a tutorial with example code on React JS working with forms, working with React events, styling React components, etc.

View the tutorial here

4- W3Schools – React Js tutorial
w3schools react js tutorials to learn for free
W3schools has a step-by-step tutorial to learn React js by following simple examples. It has an extensive list of contents which includes React Lists, React Forms, React Memos, React events, conditionals, and much more.

View tutorial

5- Codepunk – React js tutorials for beginners

My channel on youtube also has a lot of React js tutorials for beginners. I upload more tutorial videos on my youtube channel frequently. There are also live sessions in which I develop a React Js project live from scratch. This also helps beginners to get tips and tricks to develop a real-world example. If you have any specific tutorial requests, let me know in the comments.

View the channel on youtube

Nowadays, whether it’s a web app or a mobile app, React Js will exist and be integrated in some way, and this will require you to have React JS in your list of skills.

If you know of any resource or any link and like it to be included in the list, let me know in the comments.


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