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Shivaraj M
Shivaraj M

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A Contributor’s Journey :HACKTOBERFEST 2024

Hacktoberfest is always an exciting time for open-source enthusiasts, and this year was no exception. As a contributor, the experience is not just about submitting pull requests—it's about learning, connecting with the community, and pushing yourself to new heights. Here’s a look back at my 2024 Hacktoberfest journey, filled with lessons learned, personal growth, and moments of triumph.

My Learning Experience
This year, I went in with a plan: contribute to projects that I truly cared about, even if it meant stepping outside of my comfort zone. And step outside I did. From improving documentation to tackling more complex bugs, each contribution was a learning experience. I got to deepen my understanding of various codebases, explore new technologies, and, most importantly, improve my problem-solving skills.

One of the biggest lessons I took away was the importance of patience and perseverance. Not every pull request was perfect on the first try. In fact, some were far from it. But that’s the beauty of contributing to open source—there’s always room to grow, and maintainers are usually there to guide you.

Moments of Growth
There’s nothing quite like the feeling of having your pull request merged. It’s a validation of your hard work and a reminder that you’re making an impact, however small it may seem. This year, I made contributions that ranged from fixing typos to refactoring code, but no matter the size of the task, each one was a step forward in my personal and professional development.

One moment that stood out to me was when I submitted a PR for a bug fix that I had initially found daunting. I spent hours debugging, and when I finally cracked it, the feeling of accomplishment was overwhelming. Even better was the feedback from the maintainer—positive, encouraging, and constructive. It was a reminder that open-source is about collaboration, not perfection.

Building Community Connections
Hacktoberfest isn’t just about code; it’s about people. Throughout the month, I connected with maintainers and fellow contributors from all over the world. It was fascinating to see how different perspectives and experiences shaped the way we approached problems.

One of the highlights was joining project discussions where contributors brainstormed new features and improvements. Being part of a collaborative environment, even virtually, was an enriching experience. I learned that contributing to open source isn’t just about getting your PRs merged—it’s about being part of a community that’s working toward a common goal.

How I Feel Post-Hacktoberfest
Now that Hacktoberfest 2024 is coming to a close, I feel a deep sense of accomplishment. Sure, there were challenges along the way—navigating unfamiliar codebases, dealing with imposter syndrome, and balancing my contributions with daily responsibilities—but every hurdle made me a stronger developer.

I also feel grateful. Grateful for the opportunity to contribute to projects that I care about, for the support and mentorship from maintainers, and for the sense of belonging that Hacktoberfest fosters within the open-source community.

Final Thoughts
Hacktoberfest 2024 was a whirlwind of coding, learning, and growth. Whether you’re a first-time contributor or a seasoned veteran, Hacktoberfest reminds us all of the power of community and collaboration. It’s not just about those four pull requests—it’s about the connections we make, the lessons we learn, and the impact we leave on the open-source world.

To all the contributors out there, no matter how many PRs you submitted, be proud of your journey. Every line of code, every comment, and every piece of feedback makes a difference. Here’s to Hacktoberfest 2024 and the open-source community that continues to thrive because of you!

Top comments (1)

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Awesome 👏

For anyone who is looking for some projects to contribute to check out this: