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Anower Jahan Shofol
Anower Jahan Shofol

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What kind of physical exercises do you maintain to be fit and healthy?

Hi, folks, I was wondering what kind of physical exercises should be considered as a bare minimum to be fit?

I don't want to be a bodybuilder. I just want to be healthy, not to get diabetes, back pain, cancer or heart issues. I try to walk regularly. But, I am getting fat, having back pain and sick on every seasonal change!

So, what do you do to be healthy?

physcial exercise

Cover Photo by Chander R on Unsplash

Top comments (53)

metalmi profile image
Ivan Almasi

For what you want to avoid/prevent, you need to take care both of exercise and healthy diet. Healthy diet is actually more important (70-80%) for keeping your weight normal (or losing weight) and being healthy. On the other side, exercise will help you with back pain, better posture, having more energy, feeling better, …

ludamillion profile image
Luke Inglis

This. Healthy diet is essential to a healthy lifestyle. You can't exercise your way out of a poor diet.

That said. I run but walking is key. I walk anywhere I can. I take the stairs instead of the elevator any time it's reasonable (I work on the 4th floor of a building so I do it there. I didn't when I worked on the 11th). Adding simple exercises like pushups, squats, and planks is also a relatively low barrier to and exercise routine.

shofol profile image
Anower Jahan Shofol

Yes, I also try to walk but I should take stairs instead of lifts too. That's a great way and I am amazed that you did that on the 11th floor too!

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

I'm a chronic pacer. I eventually started using a step counter app and I cover a ridiculous amount of distance just in my home. Highly recommended ;)

shofol profile image
Anower Jahan Shofol

Yes, that's a reasonable point. I was thinking about this when I was posting.

I avoid junk foods totally. The only reason I see for my fat is that I eat a fair amount of rice, chicken or fish in my regular meal. Maybe these should be controlled.

How do you know that your meal is healthy? Do you follow any doctor's advice?

metalmi profile image
Ivan Almasi

Avoiding junk foods is a good first step. Basically, everything is healthy when consumed in moderation, except for junk foods (pizzas, burgers, sweets, cakes, sodas, ...). You can have a cheat meal from time to time and eat some junk food.

The only reason for fat is that you eat more than you burn. It's simple math ;)
People usually underestimate the number of calories they eat and overestimate the number of calories they burn by daily activity and training. For tracking the number of calories you eat, you can use some app, like MyFitnessPal which is free. A number of calories burned can be estimated (there are some online calculators), but for something more precise you need smart-/fitness-watch.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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shofol profile image
Anower Jahan Shofol

That's a great list, Aleksandr. Thanks! Do you do these at home? And, how do you know that you are following the proper form?

aleksandrhovhannisyan profile image
Aleksandr Hovhannisyan • Edited

Yup! I do these at home with a simple set of dumbbells on a weight rack.

bendman profile image
Ben Duncan

I've been doing yoga on a regular basis, as well as following the hundred pushups regime. I also bike or walk everywhere which helps me keep up some basic level of fitness.

shofol profile image
Anower Jahan Shofol

Thanks for the resource, Ben. I will check the pushup way.

dixpac profile image


2 days per week


  1. Track Calories -> most important
  2. Macroturients
  3. Micronutrients
  4. Hydratation
  5. Meal timing
  6. Supplements
shofol profile image
Anower Jahan Shofol

Thanks for the food part! Dino. Looking for it.

dixpac profile image

No problem. Most important thing if you want to be lean is to track calories, I recommend this app:

Whatever you eat, track it. You can eat whatever you want but make sure you stay in your calories limit. It is simple: if you consume more calories than you eat you will lose the weight.
And, don't go into to the extreme caloric deficit ~400calories deficit per day is enough. If you to extreme you will not be able to do it on the long run which is crucial.

espoir profile image
Espoir Murhabazi • Edited

Let me share mine :

for day in working_days do :

 -  10  to 30 pushups

-  10 to 30  abdominal exercises

-  use stairs in place of lift. #I work on the 5th floor of a building, I never use the lift, 

I keep doing the same routine every day.

Success is the product of daily habits—not once-in-a-lifetime transformations.
James Clear, Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

shofol profile image
Anower Jahan Shofol

Hi Espoir, what is the first point? The stair part is really inspiring. I will surely keep that in mind.

espoir profile image
Espoir Murhabazi

Yeah, I corrected it... check it now... hope you will get what I mean

ghost profile image
Ghost • Edited

When I wake-up 100 push-ups, 200 sit-ups, 100 squats; during the day I usually spread 20-40 chin-ups/pull-ups and sometimes a couple of minutes of planks (minutes non consecutive).

I don't like gyms, too much testosterone, sweat, loud music and too many people for me :|

shofol profile image
Anower Jahan Shofol

Very nice list to be followed, Robertorojasr. Do you follow these daily?

ghost profile image
Ghost • Edited

I may skip 1 day on a week; I think is better to leave days off tho, but if I do that lazyness start to creep :\

I really don't have any more knowledge than a few years practicing martial arts in the past, so for better advice I would ask an expert, although I don't think my routine is too heavy or risky.

Finally, I would recommend always start very slow, no extra weight and don't push yourself too hard, no glory in get injured and having to rest for a month. No productive either, if something non-muscular hurts, STOP, articulations and ligaments shouldn't hurt, no pain no gain is only for muscle and even that with caution, muscle get a little ruptured with exercise, a lot of rupture and you have an injure that will take maybe months to recover. If someone have never made much physical activity, should check a doctor before, and start SLOW, dead slow, stupidly slow, build with care. It's not a sprint is a marathon, think in a routine that you can keep from now, not something that will kill you in a month.

wideawakening profile image

I would say that any sport that works all your body is a good choice.

I've been doing yoga for already 5 years, and one of the best decisions in my life; my back, shoulders, neck and legs feel way better than before.

Trying to apply some 'chair yoga' while I'm working, but my body starts to complain if I skip any class (try to go to 3 times per week)

shofol profile image
Anower Jahan Shofol

Iru., can you recommend some good online resources for starting yoga?

wideawakening profile image

Downdog app is really nice for lots of levels, guided and very configurable.
If you don't wanna pay, there are plenty of youtube channels, just gotta find a style of teacher that suits you

tarascz profile image
Jiří Tarašovič

I wasn't doing any exercise for 2 years and I gained 30kgs.
But since I started dancing I am loosing weight, getting stronger, having new friends and having super fun! :)

My after-work schedule:
Monday: New Jack Swing
Tuesday: Locking, Popping
Wednesday: Urban Choreography
Thursday: 2x Hip Hop
Friday: Krump

And of course stretching/yoga after trainings

ahferroin7 profile image
Austin S. Hemmelgarn

I typically take a couple of walks during the day on weekdays. Based on tracking I've been doing of this, it works out to about 2.3km a day at roughly 6kph, though the route I take has a somewhat steep hill part way through (Google Fit ends up counting each walk as about 15 heart points (minutes exercising weighted by cardiac activity)).

I've been considering doing Tai Chi again as well. Most people don't realize it, but it's actually a rather thorough workout if you do it right (It's seriously challenging to move through the sequences that slowly without falling over).

The bigger thing though is eating healthy, which I honestly need to get better about myself.

shofol profile image
Anower Jahan Shofol

Thanks for sharing the tracking details, Austin. Didn't heard about Tai Chi before!

corelhas profile image
Carlos Orelhas

Every day I do at least 1h of cycling and on the weekends made some races! This way keep me motivated and fit.
If you want to check my instagram Feel free to follow and drop me DM to get in touch.

iggredible profile image
Igor Irianto • Edited

I workout at home (have a pullup bar). I do lots of calisthenic workouts.

M, W, Th = Pushing exercises (Horizontal and vertical, ex: Push-ups, handstands)
T, F = Pulling exercises (Front, back, vertical pulls, ex: pull-ups, back lever, front lever)
Saturday = whatever I want to exercise.

15 min morning, spread throughout the day, then 15 min evening. Try to do pullup/ pushup before bed.

Sunday = rest. Mostly light stretches.

sarafian profile image
Alex Sarafian

I'm one of those with lower back problems though I've spent my childhood, adolescent and early adulthood playing basketball. I've also have other medical issues. Given that I've got friends that have never moved a finger, I've concluded that it is all about the genes and all the rest do for fun and personal taste.

Once the issue starts, it is not easy to escape from. Chronic pain is like that and has a cascading and recursive effect through psychology and how your brain tries to protect pain.

East healthy because it is tastier and more reasonable. Exercise because you like it and you can have fun and because moving around is reasonable. All the rest is chance to not have an injury that can trigger a vicious cycle and genes.

Some people are just lucky and some not.

koichadev profile image
Khoi Hoang

I used to be a personal trainer, and I have certification in sports and nutrition.

My recommendation is do whatever kind of activities you enjoy most as a start. You don't need to be sport specific oriented.

I'm not sure how your back pain is. If it's a symptom that needs treatment, then seek a physiotherapist.

If it's general you are weak in area and needs to strengthening it up,then consider going to the gym and do some sort of resistance training. Do for example variations of back extensions, barbell good morning, glute bridges, deadlift, etc. Just Google it.

Nutrition is important. if you are serious about dieting, then it should be 100% focus as much as your training.

Get the eating habits correctly first, such as introducing more veggies, proteins and preferable complex carbs. If you wish to eat candies/junk food, then be disciplined. Do it once in a week as a start. That's one way of the strategy to do it.

When you feel the habit is on track, then do calorie counting, and then transitioning to macros counting.

tomford profile image

Mainly engaged in athletics. Nutrition is also important to me, I order food with a low-carb content SRSLY .With a wide variety of useful products, tips, and information about a healthy lifestyle, this site becomes an excellent source of information for those who choose a low-carb diet and a healthy way of eating

madebygps profile image
Gwyneth Peña-Siguenza

I bought a punching bag and hung it up in my garage for $100. I've been kickboxing every day for 30 min, I've lost 15 pounds since Jan 1st, only 10 more pounds to reach my goal weight!

shofol profile image
Anower Jahan Shofol

Only by punching! Are you following a diet with it? Will you continue this after reaching your goal or do something else?

madebygps profile image
Gwyneth Peña-Siguenza

Well, punching and kicking yes. My diet is pretty good already so I didn't make many changes, just added exercise. I'll continue this activity until I get bored, then I will find something else, maybe running.