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SOLID Principles: Write SOLID programs; Avoid STUPID programs

Shravan Kumar B on October 18, 2020

“Think Twice, Code Once” Hi everyone! This is a revised version of my article from my personal blog. Previously, in my last article, I had expla...
adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

OOP and SOLID is not for everything.

shravan20 profile image
Shravan Kumar B

Just a fact that, SOLID makes you a better developer. Something you learn with experience.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

Some of the solid principles certainly do apply to FP and OPP that is true. But when I was a junior I used to blindly quote SOLID for everything, not a mistake I wish others to repeat.

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shravan20 profile image
Shravan Kumar B

Yes. Admit what you are saying.

jwp profile image
JWP • Edited

Good OOP winds up as functional parts anyway. Why? The Single Responsibility Principle. Ultimately functional programming styles and OOP are the same thing when favoring composition over inheritance.
The whole Inheritance discussion is of much lesser importance; but unfortunately, many articles start off with discussing it.
Traditional inheritance is an advanced topic and not strictly needed or taught in Javascript. This is due to the excellent 'functions as true first class citizens' feature of Javascript.

C# and Java don't treat functions as true first class functions which leads to other solutions. All of which we are too familiar.

shravan20 profile image
Shravan Kumar B

Certain problem statements can fit perfectly into design patterns. Design Patterns where entity are considered as objects, are easily resolvable. FP is a great way of solving problems, but not serves all the purpose.

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jwp profile image

Not true. How does a method or function not solve a problem?

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shravan20 profile image
Shravan Kumar B

Programming is not confined to web-development alone.

  • Real-time embedded programming is all about the side effects. Interacting with digital and analog io, timers, serial and parallel ports, everything interesting is done by calling functions with side efffects.

  • GUI programming is not a good fit for functional programming

  • Games; they are easier to manage stateful.

Major difference in FP and OPP:

  • OPP is stateful to an extent
  • FP asks to pure; without any side effect, i.e., stateless

As I said, FP is great, not suitable for all problem statements.

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jwp profile image
JWP • Edited

Wrong. Every program ever, uses functions or what is called a method in OOP. This is the start of a functional style. There are different definitions of functional styles. We are free to mix and match any of them. This includes pure and non pure, mutatable and non mutatable functions. It includes async and non-async, it includes reactive and non reactive.

Correctly written functions have just one concern and optional mutation. Purity is not mandatory in functional programming.

Functions openly expose parameters which is the interface, which requires an implicit required state to enter. They can advance the state either by mutation or return a non mutated result.

All state is the responsibility of a parent container which composes functions. This, 'controller' is perfect for GUI and any other application merely for following compositional styles.

C# and Java do not have true first class functions, unlike Typescript and Javascript . This makes functional styles more difficult but totally doable in Java and C#, via class based functions or complex classes containing other classes or even static function calls.

So the issue ultimately is a non issue when we choose to really understand and use compositional technique as was recommended in 1985 via the GoF book. 'Favor composition over Inheritance'

When we do this correctly we arrive at the door step of Functional styles. We are free to enter in and dive as deep as we want. Single Responsibility takes us deeper.

In the end there's no difference in Compositional OOP and Functional programming except in articles that like to focus on non compositional polymorphic design versus pure functional styles. It's really a waste of time doing that because there's no similarity nor was there ever intended to be similarity.

The only reason this keeps getting airplay is due to Javascript people disliking any discussion of OOP. They don't even like SOLID and rarely even follow DRY. They don't even like the Class object or the New keywords which are part of their own language.

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fkrasnowski profile image
Franciszek Krasnowski

Good point, asserting that functional style is stateless is harmful and misleading. Functional approach favors immutability, purity, composition, and declarative style. It doesn't mean it’s hard or disallowed to introduce the state. It’s just brought to a minimum. GUI is not a good fit for fp? So what about React which favors immutability? Or Rust as embedded lang?

evrtrabajo profile image
Emmanuel Valverde Ramos

Nice article, a few weeks ago I've posted mine talking about SOLID in PHP with real examples, I hope it may help you.

shravan20 profile image
Shravan Kumar B

Thank you.

jwp profile image
JWP • Edited

In the United States, a cycle is not ever a car.

Therefore, this is a bad example for the United States, because it violates inheritance rule #1, do not ever violate 'is-a' relationships.

ilumin profile image

Always found Premature Optimizations and Premature Implementation 😢

shravan20 profile image
Shravan Kumar B

Did not get you

ilumin profile image

Sorry for my bad English, I'm not so good at it please be patien with me 😢

I mean, I've always found these anti pattern in my project

  • Premature Optimizations ~ like you said, reafctor for no reason
  • Premature Implementation ~ implement code to support future features
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shravan20 profile image
Shravan Kumar B

Hey, no issues.

Premature Implementation and Optimisation is something we learn to avoid with experience.

dualyticalchemy profile image
⚫️ nothingness negates itself

functional programming achieves SOLD more easily and with less side- effects than OOP. i'm sold!!

shravan20 profile image
Shravan Kumar B • Edited

Functional Programming definitely has its perks over OOPs in context with SOLID principles.