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Shridhar Shende
Shridhar Shende

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n-D arrays understanding with real life examples

An n-dimensional array (or n-d array) is a mathematical structure used to represent data organized in multiple dimensions. In computer programming, an array is a structure for storing and retrieving data.

but question rises why do we require n -d arrays in the first place

let’s try an understand with real -life scenario’s

1-Dimesional Array (Vector)

Example: Daily temparatures of a week.
temp_of_a_week = [25, 27, 26, 28, 30, 24, 25]

2-Dimesional Array (Matrix)

2-d array’s is like table

image =
[[ 1, 2, 3],
[ 1, 2, 3],
[ 1, 2, 3]]

dimesions : 3 x 3

e.g. black and white image (grayscale image)

This is the image of the number 7 handwritten dataset from famous MNIST dataset. if you zoom in further the images are getting distorted and small square boxes on the image.

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these small boxes are called as Pixles. Each of these pixels is denoted as a numerical value, and these numbers are called Pixel Values. pixel values denote the intensity of the pixels. For a grayscale or b&w image, we have pixel values ranging from 0 to 255

The smaller numbers closer to zero represent the darker shade while the larger numbers closer to 255 represent the lighter or the white shade.

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every image in a computer is saved in this form matrix of numbers, and this matrix is also known as a Channel.

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this is example is 28 x 28 vlaues of 2-d array

3-Dimesional Array

3-d array are collection of 2-d array’s placed in a queue .

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dimesions = 3 x 3 x 3
e.g. RGB color image

Data: Pixels with three color channels (Red, Green, Blue)

Each pixel has a thee values
like [255,0,0] for red.
[0,0,255] for blue
[255,255,0] for yellow likewise

RGB represents Red, Green and Blue.It is an additive color model.

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Some more examples of 3-D array:
Medical imaging: MRI scans and CT scans
Computer graphics: 3D models of objects

4-Dimensional Array

4-d array are collection of 3-d array’s .

e.g Video

videos are nothing but collection of images

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now lets combine these two images to create a video

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remember RGB image is repesented in 3-d array now we have two 3-d array’s placed one above each other.

in computer it can be represented like

Videos represented as 4D arrays (frames, height, width, color channels), where each frame is an image.

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in computer 4-d can be represented in below manner.

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Some more examples:
Video games: game is rendered and player can move around the world
Virtual reality: store the virtual world and user to interact with the virtual world in a realistic way

5-Dimensional Array

5-d array is collection of 4-d array’s.

e.g: In physics and chemistry, simulations of molecular dynamics or quantum mechanics to represent the positions and velocities of particles.

it’s not possible as of now to visulize 5-d data we can only imagine for now.

in computer engineering we can represent something like this.

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Hope you all now understand how arrays are used in computer to store the data.

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