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Shubham Dutta
Shubham Dutta

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Polyfills in React Application: A Complete Guide


A well-liked JavaScript library for creating user interfaces is called React. Developers can easily and effectively manage state with React and build reusable components. But when several browsers and gadgets don't support the same functionalities, there may be compatibility problems, just as with any JavaScript programme. Polyfills are useful in this situation.

Describe Polyfills

Code fragments called polyfills offer functionality for features that might not be supported by all browsers or operating systems. They enable programmers to guarantee that their code operates as intended across all platforms, regardless of any restrictions on feature support.

If you want to know more about polyfills go to this link

Why Do React Users Use Polyfills?

Making sure a React application is compatible with as many browsers as feasible is crucial when developing one. This is crucial for developing online applications that consumers may access on a variety of platforms and devices.

Many of the contemporary JavaScript features used by React might not be supported by earlier browsers like Internet Explorer. By providing fallback code for features that aren't supported, polyfills can aid in ensuring that these features function properly across all browsers.

Examples of Polyfills in React

Here are some more examples of popular JavaScript features used in React that may require polyfills:

  1. Promise:

    • Promises are used in React for asynchronous operations. However, they are not supported in older versions of Internet Explorer.
    • To use Promises in all browsers, you can add a polyfill for them, such as the es6-promise package.
    • This package provides a Promise implementation that works in older browsers, allowing you to use Promises in your React application without any compatibility issues.
  2. Object.assign():

    • This method is used in React for merging objects. However, it is not supported in older versions of Internet Explorer.
    • To use Object.assign() in all browsers, you can add a polyfill for it, such as the object-assign package.
    • This package provides an Object.assign() implementation that works in older browsers, allowing you to use this method in your React application without any compatibility issues.
  3. Fetch API:

    • The Fetch API is used in React for making HTTP requests. However, it is not supported in older versions of Internet Explorer.
    • To use the Fetch API in all browsers, you can add a polyfill for it, such as the whatwg-fetch package.
    • This package provides a Fetch API implementation that works in older browsers, allowing you to use this feature in your React application without any compatibility issues.
  4. Symbol:

    • Symbols are used in React for creating unique identifiers. However, they are not supported in some older browsers.
    • To use Symbols in your React application, you can add a polyfill for them, such as the core-jspackage.
    • This package provides a Symbol implementation that works in older browsers, allowing you to use this feature in your React application without any compatibility issues.
  5. String.startsWith():

    • startsWith method determines whether a string begins with the characters of a specified string, returning true or false as appropriate. However, it is not supported in older versions of Internet Explorer.
    • To use startsWith in your React application, you can add a polyfill for them, such as the core-js package.
    • This package provides a String.prototype.startsWith() implementation that works in older browsers, allowing you to use this method in your React application without any compatibility issues.
  6. Array.includes():

    • The Array.includes() method in React is used to determine whether an array contains a specific value. Older versions of Internet Explorer do not, however, support it.
    • You can include a polyfill for Array.includes(), such as the array-includes package, to make it work in all browsers.
    • You can use the Array.includes() method in your React application without encountering any compatibility problems thanks to this package's implementation, which supports older browsers.
  7. Object.entries():

    • This method is used in React for getting an object's key-value pairs as an array. However, it is not supported in older versions of Internet Explorer.
    • To use Object.entries() in all browsers, you can add a polyfill for it, such as the object.entries package.
    • This package provides an Object.entries() implementation that works in older browsers, allowing you to use this method in your React application without any compatibility issues.

Writing polyfills from scratch

Here is an example of how to write a polyfill from scratch for the startsWith method in React:

Polyfills from scratch 1

In this example, we first determine whether the String prototype's startsWith method already exists. If it doesn't already exist, we define it as a function that accepts search and pos as parameters.

The substr method is then used by the function to extract a section of the string beginning with the pos argument, or 0 in the absence of pos or if pos is less than 0. The search parameter is then compared to this substring using rigorous equality (===), and a boolean result is returned.

The startsWith method may be made to function as intended in all browsers, even those that don't support it natively, by specifying this polyfill.

Here's another example of how to create a polyfill for the array includes method:

Polyfills from scratch 2

This polyfill verifies whether the Array.prototype object already defines the includes method. It generates a new function that accepts an elementToBeSearched parameter if it is not defined.

The function then used a for loop to iterate through the array, inspecting each element to see if it matches the elementToBeSearched parameter. It returns true if it discovers a match. The function returns false if it cannot locate a match.

If you want to write more polyfill from scratch go to this link


It's important to note that writing a polyfill from scratch can be challenging, especially for complex features. In addition, it's important to thoroughly test the polyfill in various browsers and environments to ensure it behaves correctly and doesn't cause any unexpected issues.

How to Add Polyfills in React

You can use a library containing a collection of polyfills that will perform the same function for you instead of manually checking for the existence of a feature and adding a polyfill.

Use pre-existing polyfills or packages whenever possible; only create your own if absolutely essential and if you have the necessary knowledge and experience.


Example 1:

Adding polyfills in React is a simple process. Here's how you can add a polyfill for startsWith:

  • Install the core-js package as a dependency in your project:
  npm install core-js
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  • Import the startsWith polyfill at the top of your JavaScript file:
  import 'core-js/actual/string/starts-with';
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  • Now you can use the startsWith method in your React components, like this:
  const testString = 'Hi all JavaScript Developer out there!';
  const startsWithHi = testString.startsWith('Hi');

  console.log(startsWithHi); // true
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We can make sure that the startsWith method functions as intended in all browsers, even those that don't support it natively, by importing the startsWith polyfill from core-js.

Example 2:

Let's take another example of how to add a polyfill for Array.includes():

  • Install the array-includes package using npm:
  npm install array-includes
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  • Import the package in your JavaScript code:
  import 'array-includes/auto';
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This will automatically add the polyfill for Array.includes() to your React application.

Example 3:

Here is another example of how to use a polyfill for Promise in a React project:

  • Install the es6-promise package using npm:
  npm install es6-promise
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  • Import the package in your JavaScript code:
  import 'es6-promise/auto';
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This will automatically add the polyfill for Promise to your React application.


Polyfills are an essential tool for ensuring browser compatibility in React applications. By providing fallback code for unsupported features, polyfills help developers create web applications that work seamlessly across all browsers and platforms.

If you're developing a React application, it's important to consider the use of polyfills to ensure maximum compatibility. With the right polyfills in place, you can be confident that your application will work as intended, regardless of any feature support limitations in the browser or environment.

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Top comments (1)

cyn3rgy profile image
Andrew Robinson

great article, thank you. Do we need to add the import to every react js file that uses the function or just to index.js? I'm having serious problems with object.entries on iOS 10. I keep hitting the error Unhandled promise rejection TypeError: t.entries is not a function. (In 't.entries()', 't.entries' is undefined). I have imported/installed various object.entries polyfills and also the es6-promise but it hasn't resolved the issue.