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Sib sankar Bag
Sib sankar Bag

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Salesforce DevOps Center

Salesforce DevOps Center is a free salesforce devops tool that helps IT teams build and deploy software applications using DevOps best practices. It's designed for hybrid teams, including those with developers of different skill levels, and allows developers and builders to work together to deliver value to customers in a repeatable and scalable way. Please refer to the trailhead link FYR.

trailhead link

As it is within the salesforce all the security measures of the app/data/metadata will be handled through Salesforce only without any extra license cost.

DevOps Center provides the following additional productivity enhancements and features in salesforce over primitive Devops process writing CI/CD pipeline as Out of Box solution

  • Work item: Defines the requirement for the change to be made and tracks the associated metadata source files through the release lifecycle. Work items increase visibility regarding where changes reside in each pipeline stage.

  • Conflict management: Identifies work items that have conflicts with other work items in the pipeline. Provides information to help you resolve the conflict.

  • Dev environment synchronization: Detects when a development environment is out of date so you can ensure that you’re working against the latest source of truth. Tells you what’s different, and enables you to synchronize it to avoid future conflicts.

  • Activity history: Provides increased visibility, auditability, and error tracking in both work item and pipeline views.

  • Ability to delete metadata: Removes the component from the target stages, leveraging the Metadata API destructive changes functionality.
    Validation-only deployments: Enables you to run a validation-only deployment, and, at a later time, perform a quick deployment.

DevOps Center: Quick Look
Establish modern DevOps best practices with a centralized, point-and-click interface.

it has a strong community-
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here is the step by step how to install -
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Sib sankar Bag

ref site

  1. Native Tools

Those are the DevOps tools that you can use within Salesforce. This can be Salesforce tools or AppExchanges tools.

Salesforce DevOps Center: DevOps Center is all about change and release management and introducing DevOps best practices to our entire community, regardless of where you fall on the low-code to pro-code spectrum.

Copado: Copado is the only Quality-Driven, Low-Code DevOps and Automated Testing Platform and other Clouds.

Flosum: The Flosum platform is a complete end-to-end DevOps platform that is highly scalable, reliable, and fully integrated into the platform.

  1. Custom Build

You can build your own tool using different CI/CD platforms. Like below:

Jenkins: Jenkins is an open-source continuous integration software. It is written using the Java programming language. It facilitates real-time testing and reporting on isolated changes in a more massive codebase. You can build your custom pipeline using this tool. Learn more about Salesforce deployment using Jenkins

CumulusCI: CumulusCI makes it easy for developers, admins, and testers to do their work and collaborate in version control. Check Automate the App Lifecycle with CumulusCI to learn more.

Azure DevOps: Check (Azure DevOps with Salesforce)[] to learn about it step by step.

Gitlab pipelines: (Build CI/CD pipeline using Gitlab for Salesforce)[].

GitHub Actions: (DevOps Using GitHub Actions)[].