DEV Community

Sibi S
Sibi S

Posted on


Step 1: Create a EC2 instance

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Step 2: Create a key pair

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Step 3: Verify the instance in running state or not

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Step 4: Edit the inbound rule in the security group of the instance
Assign your ip address by searching in website:
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Step 5: Check the modified inbound rule

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Step 6: Install PuTTY from the website:

Step 7: Open ec2 instance in puTTy

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Step 8: Create a file in ec2 instance

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Step 8: Create a role for IAM for allowing S3 full access
Give permission for S3 full access

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Give entity type and use case
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Give role detail

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Step 9: Upload the file to instance

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Step 10: Delete and terminate the instance and IAM role

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