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Methylobacterium ajmalii sp. december., Separated Through the Intercontinental Place Station.

Significant differences were found between groups in demographic and clinical characteristics. Increasing age, higher six-minute walk test distance at programme commencement and European ethnicity were significant predictors of completion of the PR programme.

Compared to European people, Māori were 52% less likely and Pacific Island people were 40% less likely to complete the programme. These findings are significant for the Counties Manukau Health population. Further work needs to focus on determining how to make programmes more engaging to different cultures and how we can aim to reduce health inequities in these populations.
Compared to European people, Māori were 52% less likely and Pacific Island people were 40% less likely to complete the programme. These findings are significant for the Counties Manukau Health population. Further work needs to focus on determining how to make programmes more engaging to different cultures and how we can aim to reduce health inequities in these populations.
To evaluate how New Zealand newsprint media shapes discourse about dementia through its framing of the causes, effects and solutions, and who bears responsibility for the disease.

Using New Zealand's three largest daily newspapers, we examined i) the coverage of dementia between 2012-2016, ii) the framing of causes and effects of dementia, and iii) the most frequent associations of causes and effects of dementia. We integrated the findings to assess the moral evaluation of dementia in New Zealand newsprint media.

Of the 361 articles extracted all presented effects of dementia, 35% discussed causes and 7% mentioned solutions for dementia. Medical causes dominated over health behavioural and societal causes, and effects were mostly the negative impact on the individual, family and society. Modifiable medical causes were more likely to be associated with adverse outcomes for society whereas non-modifiable medical causes were more likely to be associated with adverse outcomes for the individual and/or their family.

Between 2012-16 New Zealand newsprint media largely portrayed dementia from a 'powerless victim' frame. Further research is required to assess whether, since 2016, there has been a shift towards media framing of dementia as potentially preventable and a social justice issue.
Between 2012-16 New Zealand newsprint media largely portrayed dementia from a 'powerless victim' frame. Further research is required to assess whether, since 2016, there has been a shift towards media framing of dementia as potentially preventable and a social justice issue.Fistula-in-ano is a very common surgical condition, caused by anal cryptoglandular inflammation. Most cases are idiopathic. Other causes such as Crohn's disease, trauma and malignancy are well known. Management of fistula-in-ano is largely surgical, especially if the patient is symptomatic. The goal of surgical therapy is sepsis drainage, delineate anatomy and eradicate the fistula while preserving faecal continence. Establishing the aetiology is also crucial as often a combination of specialist medical therapy is required, for example, in Crohn's disease. We report an extremely unusual case of fistula-in-ano on an elderly man with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL). Histology from the fistula track demonstrated CLL infiltration. selleck kinase inhibitor This case, not previously reported on PubMed search, illustrates a good example of joint specialist medical (a haematologist) and surgical effort in successfully treating this symptomatic fistula-in-ano.Spontaneous bleeding in the head and neck region is exceedingly rare, particularly in the absence of trauma or an underlying disorder. We describe a case of an atraumatic lingual haematoma in an 88-year-old male presenting with threatened airway obstruction. The only risk factor our patient had was Aspirin use. Our patient was able to be managed conservatively with observation in the hospital's high dependency unit (HDU) and intravenous steroid (Dexamethasone) and antibiotic (Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid) therapy. We discuss this case to highlight the importance of recognising an impending airway emergency in the setting of deep space bleeding or swelling.The COVID-19 lockdown period created both challenges and opportunities to undertake research. Research was facilitated by flexibility from funders and team members, support from networks and stakeholders and the willingness of individuals to participate. We could learn from the experience of lockdown research by improving institutional support for research processes and dissemination, investing in a nationwide online panel for public good research and ensuring that a planned database of health research can collect and monitor research proposals in times of rapid change and uncertainty.In this viewpoint we briefly review the evidence for smoke-free car legislation. We find that this legislation has been consistently associated with reduced secondhand exposure in cars with children/youth in all nine jurisdictions studied. Despite this, there are various aspects of this intervention that warrant further study-especially determining its impact on reducing tobacco-related ethnic inequalities. So we argue that the New Zealand Ministry of Health should invest in a thorough evaluation of this important upcoming public health intervention. This could both help the country in further refining the design of the law (if necessary) and would also be a valuable contribution to advancing the knowledge base for international tobacco control.Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has rapidly spread across the globe, driving radical transformation in the way patient care is delivered in primary and secondary care. As part of the response against COVID-19 across primary care in New Zealand, practices and medical centres have largely transitioned to telehealth over a short period of time while maintaining the traditional business model of in-person care on an as-required basis. To inform other primary care services and future practice, we describe our experience at one general practice and the challenges faced in the process of converting to telehealth in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.selleck kinase inhibitor

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