This is a curated list of the shortcuts you should learn as soon as possible. I really wish I knew them when I started coding. It would have saved ...
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Excellent recommendations! I would like to add this information:
also does the same asctrl+space
it was introduced recently.ctrl+d
and select more elements than expected, you can undo selections withctrl+u
Thanks! I always wondered about undoing selections when I got too much.
This is also useful:
cmd + j
to toggle Terminal/Output/Debug Console viewNice addition. Thanks, Mostafiz!
Fold that stuff! 😄
Have a look at the folding/unfolding shortcuts (I can't post them here, because of my German keyboard). Especailly those which allow you to fold/unfold at your current position. That makes navigating new projects so much easier.
Fold everything:
cmd/ctrl + k then 0
Ctrl + Shift + [
to foldCtrl + Shift + ]
to unfoldThanks for sharing! Didn't know about
Wrap with Abbreviation
, that's cool.thanks. While not a shortcut, for errors, Error Lens is amazing! One of the best VS Code extensions.
True! I love it too
Very interesting, I did not know them all, thanks ! 👍🙂
Also, I often use
Ctrl + G
to go to a particluar number of line.Nice. I didn't know about this one 👍
Ctrl + K
for Markdown preview / edit in split view.Dear Mariana Simon Paixao,may I translate your article into Chinese?I would like to share it with more developers in China. I will give the original author and original source.
Hi there! Sure, I don't see any problem if you include the original author and source. Can you send me a link when you do so? I have Chinese friends and would like to share with them :)
no problem!
I swapped ctrl + d and ctrl + shift + d to delete line and duplicate line. I don't make that much use of selecting one by one. I use ctrl + shift + L which selects all alike more.
Nice tip! Thanks, Cody
to copy the current lineGood one 👍
Thanks for Sharing Very useful!
Great! 👏
Thanks, Aman!
Shortcut to move line is my fav.
Thanks to share all these shortcuts. 😇
Ctrl + Shift + K
for removing a line!Wrap with abbreviation is a game changer, great list!
Thanks, Logan!
Wrap with Abbreviation, just increased my efficiency by many folds, Thank you.
I would like to add Alt + Shift + Up/Down arrow duplicate line or a block of code selected.
Thanks! Nice addition 👍
Wrap with Abbreviation is a cheat that is very useful! Great post!
Thanks, Jonatan! Yeah, I use it a lot!
ctrl + k + c to comment multiple lines selected
ctrl + k + u to uncomment the multiple lines selected
thanks, very interesting!
muchas gracias. el bonus estuvo super! thanks a lot
Great stuff!
While not a shortcut, using regular expressions with the search box is staggering powerful and well worth exploring.
Before moving lines using alt+up or down, I usually use shift+up or down in order to select multiple lines. Saves some time too.
Ctrl shift I was a new one for me. Thanks
This is a bit basic, but with STRG+shift+ARROW you can extend your cursor to write on multiple lines at the same time.
Learned a few more. Thanks a lot ;)
Format all file instead of Palette > Reindent. that's cool
Thanks for sharing, I just saw this post, and I will try it in my visual studio code.
The things that I always use is ctrl + P and ctrl + /
Much appreciated
Great article! 10. Shows the same gif as 4. though. Maybe you could correct that.
Thank, you! Jakab! I corrected that, thanks :)
Thanks for sharing
Thanks, so useful !
Thanks, Samuel!