In this blog, we’ll walk you through deploying a React app, built with Vite, to AWS S3 with CloudFront for fast and secure delivery. By the end, you’ll have your static React site live and ready to scale globally.
Step 1: Create a React Application
Download and install Node.js (LTS version recommended) from Node.js Official Website.
Change the UI for your needs
Build the React App:
(Generate the static files for deployment)
npm run build
The output will be in the dist/
Step 2: Set Up an S3 Bucket
Create an S3 Bucket:
- Go to the AWS Management Console > S3.
- Click Create bucket.
- Provide a unique bucket name (e.g., my-static-react-site).
- Disable Block all public access.
- Bucket versioning
- Being a professional add Tags
- Create the bucket.
Upload React Build Files:
- Navigate to your S3 bucket.
- Click Upload > Add files.
- Upload all files from the dist/ folder.
Set Public Read Access:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-static-react-site/*"
Enable Static Website Hosting:
- In the Properties tab, enable Static website hosting.
- Set the Index document to index.html.
- Note the Bucket website endpoint.
Step 3: Configure CloudFront for CDN
Create a CloudFront Distribution:
- Go to CloudFront in the AWS Console.
- Click Create Distribution.
- In the Origin Domain Name, select your S3 bucket (or paste the static website URL).
- Select "Do not enable security protections"
- Click Create Distribution
Deploy the CloudFront Distribution:
- Note the CloudFront domain name after deployment.
Step 5: Verify Deployment
- Open your CloudFront distribution URL in a browser.
- Ensure the React site loads correctly.
With these steps, you’ve successfully deployed your Vite-based React app on AWS S3 with CloudFront. This setup ensures your app is highly available, fast, and scalable.
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