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Cover image for 🚀 Particleground.ts: Excited to Announce My New NPM Package with TypeScript Support 🎉

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🚀 Particleground.ts: Excited to Announce My New NPM Package with TypeScript Support 🎉

I recently built and published a new React component library called particleground.ts. This library allows you to create stunning particle animation effects on a canvas, bringing life and interactivity to your web projects. Inspired by jquery.particleground.js, I developed Particleground.ts using React and TypeScript,NextJS,Vite, ensuring modern development standards and seamless integration with React-based projects.

👉 Check it out on Demo: Particleground.ts on Demo

👉 Check it out on NPM: Particleground.ts on NPM

👉 Fork the GitHub repository: Particleground.ts on GitHub

If you're looking to add dynamic particle effects to your web applications, give Particleground.ts a try! Feedback and contributions are always welcome. 😊

ReactJS #TypeScript #WebDevelopment #NPM #OpenSource #ParticleAnimation #JavaScript #FrontendDevelopment #WebDesign

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