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Swabri Musa
Swabri Musa

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JavaScript Methods for Go Developers: A Beginner's Guide


As a Go developer stepping into the world of JavaScript, you might find yourself both curious and puzzled by how JavaScript handles objects and methods. Don't worry! This article will guide you through the world of JavaScript methods, drawing comparisons with your Go experience to make learning easier.

1. From Structs to Objects: A New Way of Thinking

In Go, you're used to working with structs - organized, clearly defined data structures. JavaScript introduces you to a more flexible world of objects. Let's compare:


// Go struct
type Person struct {
    Name string
    Age  int

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// JavaScript object
const person = {
    name: "John",
    age: 30

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Notice how JavaScript objects are more relaxed? You don't need to define types beforehand! This flexibility can be freeing, allowing you to focus more on what the code does rather than how it's structured.

a. Safety vs. Flexibility

  • Go: Go's way of handling data types helps prevent errors early on and keeps things consistent.
  • JavaScript: JavaScript is more flexible, letting you change things on the fly. This can be handy but might cause unexpected issues if you're not careful.

// Go won't let you put a word where a number should be
person := Person{Name: "Alice", Age: 25}
person.Age = "twenty-five" // This will cause an error

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// JavaScript lets you change types as you go
const person = { name: "Alice", age: 25 };
person.age = "twenty-five"; // This is allowed, but might cause problems later

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In simple terms: Go likes to keep things predictable, while JavaScript gives you more freedom but expects you to be more careful.

b. Changing Values

  • Go: In Go, it's not easy to change values in a struct unless you specifically set it up that way.
  • JavaScript: Objects can be changed easily by default, so you can modify their properties without any special setup.

// Go: Need special setup to change values i.e through a pointer value
func (p *Person) SetAge(age int) { p.Age = age }

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// JavaScript: Can change values easily
person.age = 35;

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In simple terms: Go makes it harder to accidentally change things, while JavaScript lets you make changes quickly and easily.

c. Memory Management

  • Go: Go requires you to manage memory more directly, which gives you control but can be more complex.
  • JavaScript: JavaScript handles memory for you, making it easier to use but sometimes less predictable in performance-heavy applications.

// Go: You need to manage memory yourself
p := &Person{Name: "Bob", Age: 40}

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// JavaScript: Memory is handled for you
const person = { name: "Bob", age: 40 };

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In simple terms: Go gives you more control over how your computer's memory is used, while JavaScript does this job for you automatically.

2. Methods: Adding Behavior to Data

In Go, you might define methods like this:


func (p Person) SayHello() string {
    return "Hello, my name is " + p.Name

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JavaScript does it differently:


const person = {
    name: "John",
    sayHello: function() {
        return "Hello, my name is " +;

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See that this keyword? It's JavaScript's way of referring to the object itself, similar to how Go uses the receiver. This allows methods to be more adaptable and aware of their context.

3. The Flexible Nature of JavaScript Methods

Unlike Go's strict rules, JavaScript lets you add methods to objects on the spot:


person.greet = function(greeting) {
    return `${greeting}, I'm ${}`;

console.log(person.greet("Hi there")); // Prints: "Hi there, I'm John"

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This flexibility can be both powerful and potentially confusing for Go developers used to more rigid structures. It opens up many possibilities for dynamic behavior and quick modifications.

4. Different Ways of Organizing Code: Prototypes vs. Classes

Now, let's look at a fundamental difference in how Go and JavaScript organize code. Understanding this will help you grasp why JavaScript behaves the way it does.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

OOP is a way of organizing code around "objects," which contain both data and the functions to work with that data.

Class-Based OOP

In class-based OOP, a class is like a blueprint for creating objects. It defines what kind of data and behavior (methods) an object should have.

Go's Approach: While Go isn't a traditional OOP language, it supports a form of class-based OOP through types and methods. Instead of classes, Go uses structs to define data structures, and methods can be associated with these structs.

Prototype-Based OOP

Prototype-based OOP is a different approach that focuses on reusing existing objects as templates (prototypes) for new objects.

JavaScript's Approach: JavaScript uses a prototype-based model where objects can directly inherit from other objects. This is very flexible because you can add new properties and methods to objects even after they're created.


function Person(name) { = name;

Person.prototype.sayHello = function() {
    return "Hello, I'm " +;

const john = new Person("John");
console.log(john.sayHello()); // Prints: "Hello, I'm John"

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This approach allows for dynamic inheritance and can be quite powerful once you get used to it. It encourages more flexible and reusable code.

5. The Tricky 'this' Keyword

In Go, it's always clear which object a method belongs to. In JavaScript, the this keyword can be more complicated. Its value can change based on how a function is called:


const person = {
    name: "Alice",
    greet: function() {
        console.log("Hello, I'm " +;

person.greet(); // Prints: "Hello, I'm Alice"

const greetFunc = person.greet;
greetFunc(); // Prints: "Hello, I'm undefined"

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Understanding how this works in different situations is crucial in JavaScript and often confuses developers coming from languages like Go. It's important to learn how this behaves in different contexts to avoid common mistakes.


Moving from Go to JavaScript involves embracing a more flexible approach to objects and methods. While it may feel less structured at first, this flexibility allows for powerful coding patterns and expressive code.

As you continue learning JavaScript, remember:

  • Embrace the flexibility of JavaScript objects.
  • Get comfortable with the this keyword and its quirks.
  • Explore prototype-based OOP and its possibilities.
  • Practice, practice, practice!

Happy coding, and welcome to the world of JavaScript methods!

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