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Kamil Riyas
Kamil Riyas

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Local AI WebAPI with Semantic Kernel and Ollama

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In my last post we saw how to get started with local SLM using Ollama and Semantic Kernel where we called Llama3.2 model from a console applicaition.

In this write-up we'll see how to integrate Semantic Kernel with WebAPI.

Please note that this is just a barebone demo, not the standard way to use Semantic Kernel with WebAPI. I'm planning to showcase that in a future post.

Make sure that you have the following things with you in your local:

  • dotnet 8.0 and above
  • local ollama instance with an SLM like llama3.2.

Project Setup

We'll initialize a bare bone Asp.Net WebAPI application and install the below packages as well.

dotnet new webapi -n sk-webapi -o sk-webapi
cd sk-webapi\
dotnet add package Microsoft.SemanticKernel
dotnet add package Microsoft.SemanticKernel.Connectors.Ollama --prerelease
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*At the time of this writing, Semantic Kernel's Ollama connector is still in preview. So you might want to update the package command.

Coding Time

In your program.cs file

  • Just like any other WebAPI apps, create the WebApplication builder.
  • Create an HttpClient object with the local ollama instance uri.
  • Inject AddOllamaChatCompletion("llama3.2", httpClient) to the service collection.
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Add services to the container.

var httpClient = new HttpClient() { 
        BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:11434")

#pragma warning disable SKEXP0070 // Type is for evaluation purposes only and is subject to change or removal in future updates. Suppress this diagnostic to proceed.
builder.Services.AddOllamaChatCompletion("llama3.2", httpClient);
#pragma warning restore SKEXP0070 // Type is for evaluation purposes only and is subject to change or removal in future updates. Suppress this diagnostic to proceed.        

var app = builder.Build();
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Endpoint Setup

Create a controller and like any other service that you'd inject, invoke the chat completion service using IChatCompletionService.

public class ChatController : ControllerBase
        public readonly IChatCompletionService _chatCompletionService;
        public ChatController(IChatCompletionService chatCompletionService)
            _chatCompletionService = chatCompletionService;

        public async Task<string?> GetCharResponseAsync(string input)
            if (input != null)
                var chatResult = await _chatCompletionService.GetChatMessageContentsAsync(input);
                return chatResult[0].ToString();
                return null;
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That's it. For my next post i'll be implementing a sample showcasing Function Calling.

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