
Cover image for How to Create a GitHub Profile Readme with GitHub Actions, Profile Trophy, and Custom Icons Badges
Alejandro Londoño
Alejandro Londoño

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How to Create a GitHub Profile Readme with GitHub Actions, Profile Trophy, and Custom Icons Badges

Hello everyone, in this article I gonna show you how to create a Github Profile so easily.

slydragonn github profile readme

⚙ Requirements

  • A GitHub account 😜
  • A Youtube channel with Videos, if you want, to use the Youtube Video Cards.

✨ Features

📚 Project Structure

📂 ~/slydragonn/
├── 📂 .github/
  └── 📂 workflows/
          └── youtube-cards.yaml
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📚 GitHub Repository

📹 Tutorial video

Creating the README file

First, we should create the file, that’s where we put all code. You can create the file directly on the GitHub site or create it on your pc and push it to the repository.

You can start your readme as you want, I like to start with “Hello world!”.

# Hello World! 👋
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As you can see, this file works with Markdown so we should use its syntax:

# h1
## h2
### h3

**bold text**
*italicized text*

* unordered list
1. ordered list


![image - alt text](url.jpg)

- [x] Task List
- [ ] Second Task

| Table | Description |
| ------ | ----------- |
| Header | Title |
| Paragraph | Text |

> blockquote
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Custom Icon Badges

The Github Repo:
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This is how I use it:

  <a href="">
    <img alt="slydragonn portfolio" title="My Portfolio" src=""/>
  <a href="">
    <img alt="linkedin" title="Linkedin" src=""/>
  <a href="">
    <img alt="youtube channel" title="Youtube" src=""/>
  <a href="">
    <img alt="dev community" title="DEV" src=""/>
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And this is the result:

slydragonn github

About Me section

In this part you can do what you want, I did this with the code block, my info as a Javascript object, like this:

slydragonn info

GitHub Profile Trophy

The GitHub Repo:

  • How to use: Add the following code to your readme. When pasting the code into your profile's readme, change the ?username= value to your GitHub's username.
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This is how I use it:

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And the final result:

slydragonn github

Youtube Cards

You can see all steps on his GitHub Repo

But this is all code you need:

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# ~/.github/workflows/youtube-card.yaml

name: GitHub Readme YouTube Cards
    # Runs every hour, on the hour
    - cron: "0 * * * *"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: DenverCoder1/github-readme-youtube-cards@main
          channel_id: YOUR_YOUTUBE_CHANNEL_ID
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And this is the result:

slydragonn videos

Adding a Profile README

You should create a repository with the name of your username, this is for GitHub know that is a special repo. For example, my username is slydragonn so I should create a repository called slydragonn and then push all files that we created.

Run workflow

When you push the files, only miss running the workflow for that youtube card works. You should only click the button “run workflow” on the Actions page, like this:

slydragonn github

And that’s all, thanks for reading and see you later 👋

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