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Introducing myself !

So finally, I have decided to blog. I made a list of a few topics that I am interested in talking about, but I was wondering where to start with.

Then, I started to read different posts by the amazing people out here. And I found this lovely lady @pabiforbes and went to see what her first post is about. It was quite simple and nice, just an introduction of herself. However, I wonder how can someone be so precise!

So, I am also going to introduce myself first, instead of jumping to the technical discussions straight away.

To start with, I am an Indian and India is my heart and soul.

I don't know how to say it, I am still 22 years old or I am already 22 years old.

People around me expect me to be quite mature till now. But I am basically still a child trying to act like an adult. And this is how most people feel but they don't say it, I guess.

Moving further, I am a fourth year student (recently promoted) pursuing B.E. in Computer Science Engineering in Bangalore, Karnataka. Currently I am staying home, trying to stay safe, in Patna, Bihar during this pandemic. I am doing my second internship as an android developer.

I am learning something each and every moment including programming skills but not limited to that.

I will begin to share my experiences with java and android concepts as far as I know them till now. And as the never ending quest for knowledge continues, I'll keep posting here simultaneously.

My next post will be on
How to upload your very first android app on playstore.

Thank you !

Top comments (4)

pabiforbes profile image
Pabi Forbes

Thank you so much Sneha, pleased to meet you. Welcome to the community 🌻✨

sneha9234 profile image

Thanks for the warm welcome. I really appreciate you !

theankitsinha profile image
Ankit Sinha

Good one!

sneha9234 profile image

Thank you!