Hello Artisan,
Laravel is one of the most popular PHP frameworks, and its modular nature allows developers to create reusable packages. A package is a self-contained bundle of reusable code that can be shared and installed across multiple Laravel projects.
In this guide, we will walk you through creating a Laravel package from scratch for user-management.
Step 1: Set Up a New Laravel Package
Before starting, make sure you have Laravel installed. You can create a Laravel package in two ways:
Inside an existing Laravel application - (useful for testing while developing).
As a standalone package - (useful for distributing to others via Packagist).
1. Create a Directory for the Package
Navigate to your Laravel project’s packages
directory (if it doesn’t exist, create it):
mkdir -p packages/laravelusermanager
cd packages/laravelusermanager
2. Initialize Composer
Run the following command inside the package directory to initialize Composer:
composer init
3. Define the Package in composer.json
In your package’s composer.json
, ensure it includes the following:
"name": "laraelusermanager",
"description": "A sample Laravel package for user management",
"type": "library",
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"LaravelUserManager\\LaravelUserManager\\": "src/"
"require": {
"php": ">=8.0",
"illuminate/support": "^10.0"
4. Register the Package in Laravel
In your Laravel application, add your package’s namespace to composer.json
in the root project:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"LaravelUserManager\\LaravelUserManager\\": "packages/laravelusermanager/src/"
Run composer dump-autoload
to reload the autoload files.
Step 2: Create the Package Structure
Inside packages/laravelusermanager/,
create the following directories:
mkdir -p src config routes resources/views
1. Create the Service Provider
Create a file src/PackageServiceProvider.php
and define the service provider:
namespace VendorName\LaravelUserManager;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class PackageServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
// Load routes
// Load views
$this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__.'/../resources/views', 'laravelusermanager');
// Publish config
__DIR__.'/../config/config.php' => config_path('laravelusermanager.php'),
public function register()
// Merge package config
$this->mergeConfigFrom(__DIR__.'/../config/config.php', 'laravelusermanager');
2. Define Routes
Create routes/web.php
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use LaravelUserManager\Controllers\UserController;
Route::resource('users', UserController::class);
3. Create a Configuration File
Create config/config.php:
return [
'setting' => 'default_value',
4. Create a View
Create resources/views/users/index.blade.php
<h1>User List</h1>
@foreach ($users as $user)
<td>{{ $user->id }}</td>
<td>{{ $user->name }}</td>
<td>{{ $user->email }}</td>
5. Create a Controller
Create src/Controllers/UserController.php
namespace LaravelUserManager\LaravelUserManager\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller;
class UserController extends Controller
public function index()
$users = User::all();
return view('laravelusermanager::users.index', compact('users'));
public function create()
return view('laravelusermanager::users.create');
public function store(Request $request)
return redirect()->route('users.index');
Step 3: Register the Package in Laravel
In config/app.php
, add the service provider to the providers array:
'providers' => [
Step 4: Test the Package
Run php artisan serve
and visit http://localhost:8000/users
. You should see the list of users.
Step 5: Publishing the Package
If you want to share your package with others: Push your code to GitHub.
Submit it to Packagist by registering it in your Composer account.
To install it in other Laravel projects, use:
composer require laravelusermanager
Creating a Laravel package is a great way to modularize and reuse code. By following these steps, you can build and distribute your own Laravel packages efficiently!
Happy Reading!
Happy Coding!
❤️ 🦄
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