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Best Ways To Optimize React Sites

React Performance Optimization is easy to achieve with the following simple steps.

  • Using React Hooks and working with functional programming
  • Use React.memo for Component Memorization
  • Using the shouldComponentUpdate Life Cycle Event
  • Using Lazy Loading of React Components
  • Use React Fragments to Avoid Extra Tag
  • Do Not Use React Inline Function Definition
  • Avoid Async Requests in componentWillMount()
  • Bind Function Early in Constructor
  • Arrow Functions vs Binding in Constructors
  • Avoid Using Inline Style Attribute
  • Optimize Conditional Rendering in React
  • Donโ€™t Derive Data in the Render Method
  • Create Error Boundaries for the Components
  • Immutable Data Structures for Components
  • Using a Unique Key for Iteration
  • Throttling and Debouncing Events
  • Using CDNs for External Resources
  • CSS Animation Instead of JavaScript Animation
  • Enable gzip Compression on the Web Server
  • Use Web Workers for CPU Extensive Tasks
  • Server-Side Rendering of the React Component

Some Videos To Refer

Some article's and Links To Refer

10 Ways to Optimize Your React Appโ€™s Performance

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