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A Developer's Guide to Flutter

Karan Shah on November 28, 2019

Since it's much-awaited launch, Flutter has caught a lot of attention, and we're excited about it too! I'm hoping that a massive chunk of non-game ...
kris profile image

Simply the best guide from the developer's perspective. This article has covered just about anything related to flutter. Great to amplify the basic knowledge of flutter. Thanks for this resourceful article. We can also learn a great deal from lots of amazing flutter templates in the market. They help to implement and deploy new apps for startups and businesses quickly preventing development time and cost. A great resource to learn the UI layouts and custom functionalities as well.

atkaranshah profile image
Karan Shah

Thank you :)

kamal_bunkar profile image
kamal bunkar

"thanks karan for amazing article. it covered all the basics that a beginners should know. You can add some more values by including some topic like how to release flutter app on apple store and Flutter stateless vs statefull widget .
by the way thanks you. I like your article and have shared it on facebook."

pablonax profile image
Pablo Discobar

Helpful article! Thanks! If you are interested in this, you can also look at my article about Flutter templates. I made it easier for you and compared the free and paid Flutter templates. I'm sure you'll find something useful there, too. -

zalek profile image

I just started to learn Flutter and here is my problem:

I want to create an object that contains pairs of two strings, lets say a name and city. I also want to access each pair by an index. In Java it would be:
List aList = new List();
Map is not good, because as I know I cannot retrieve specific element lets say for index=n

Any suggestions?


lexiebkm profile image
Alexander B.K.

If I can understand what you mean, then you can use list of map like so :

  var maplist = [
    {"name": "James Gosling of Java", "city": "Toronto"},
    {"name": "Anders Hejlsberg of C#", "city": "New York"},
    {"name": "Guido von Rossum of Python", "city": "Amsterdam"},
    {"name": "Bjarne Stroustrup of C++", "city": "Kopenhagen"},
    {"name": "Niklas Wirth of Pascal", "city": "Vienna"},
    {"name": "Rasmus Lerdorf of PHP", "city": "Chicago"},
    {"name": "Brendan Eich of JS", "city": "Los Angeles"}

  for (var n = 0; n < maplist.length; n++) {
    print("${maplist[n]['name']} lives in ${maplist[n]['city']}");
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The output is like so :
James Gosling of Java lives in Toronto
Anders Hejlsberg of C# lives in New York
Guido von Rossum of Python lives in Amsterdam
Bjarne Stroustrup of C++ lives in Kopenhagen
Niklas Wirth of Pascal lives in Vienna
Rasmus Lerdorf of PHP lives in Chicago
Brendan Eich of JS lives in Los Angeles

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald • Edited

Everyone seems to have forgotten what Flutter — yes, this Flutter — was originally.

Gesture recognition! (Circa 2012/2013)

Then it was acquired by Google and turned into a development platform. Does it even have gesture recognition anymore?

kamal_bunkar profile image
kamal bunkar

Thank You for details Explanation. Amazing article. Please add some more value like flutter plugins for text animation and text autosixer.

leandrit_ferizi profile image
Leandrit Ferizi

Thanks for putting it together :)

atkaranshah profile image
Karan Shah


saurabhaswal009 profile image
saurabh singh aswal

Hello everyone I am new in here and so excited to be the part of this dev world. i am atrected here because the good coding stuff, friendly community, healping each others in coding, learn somthings new.
I am a Flutter Developer and created a lots of apps and placed in playstore now i am work in my Personal Project so all the community member please help me if i am stuck in some conditions and i am also available for your help also.

please check out my website and if you give some feedback so i am so happy -->>

Thank's and please connected ❤️❤️❤️

angelinajasper profile image
Angelina Jasper

Fantastic article, Karan! The insights into Flutter development are incredibly valuable for both beginners and seasoned developers.

I've recently penned a beginner's guide to building Flutter apps myself. Would love to hear your thoughts and any feedback you might have! Keep up the great work!

asimjibran profile image
Asim Jibran

Awsome writeup and Guide for someone like me who is just into this app development game. I have got an app developed for my Food Delivery business through Kaspar Consulting Services and I think they have done an execllent job with it and should be tried for any flutter related development

udaylal profile image

Very helpful 👍

aatmaj profile image

Super guide!

melwinjohn profile image
Melwin John

Best thread/article present on flutter for newbies !

kalifasenou profile image
Kalifa SENOU

Amazing article.

opendeveloper profile image
Murat Uysal

thank you for this awesome document. thank you so much.