
Cover image for 18 Essential Videos That Fundamentally Shaped My Understanding of JavaScript

18 Essential Videos That Fundamentally Shaped My Understanding of JavaScript

Basti Ortiz on July 08, 2020

Learning JavaScript is a wild, tempestuous journey. When I first studied the language four years ago, I wouldn't have known how long this journey w...
martixy profile image
Martin Ninov

Ah, yes. The event loop videos and MPJ. Great picks.

Truly no one can claim to understand js without knowledge of the event loop. It is the fundamental mechanism of concurrency. And concurrency is the primary schtick of js to begin with.

There are a few I haven't seen here. Hopefully the proxy one isn't as obvious as it seems.

utkarsh profile image
Utkarsh Talwar

Super useful article, mate. Shared it in our Telegram channel as well. So much useful info packed in one post.

Another great video for js devs:

somedood profile image
Basti Ortiz

Thank you very much! I haven't seen this talk, but I'm already very interested in the title. Bonus points for Addy Osmani, too. 😁

utkarsh profile image
Utkarsh Talwar

Addy is amazing, I agree.

On a different note, what would be the best way to get in touch with you?

Thread Thread
somedood profile image
Basti Ortiz

Well, since we're in DEV, we can use the Connect messenger. I shall follow you back.

akdeberg profile image
Anik Khan

Worth putting into my reading list.. Awesome share 🥰

bernardbaker profile image
Bernard Baker

That's a great selection of videos.

web3coach profile image
Lukas Lukac

Incredible list! Thanks for sharing!

calvin087 profile image
Calvin Torra

This is actually a very useful list. Thank you. Got my homework for the weekend sorted!

agathebadia profile image
Agathe Badia

Thanks for sharing!!

yashsolankidev profile image
Yash solanki

Thanks for sharing !