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Sonay Kara
Sonay Kara

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The 4 Most Common Mistakes When Using useState in React

In React projects, useState is one of the most commonly used hooks for managing state in functional components. However, there are several common mistakes that developers make when using this hook, which can lead to performance issues and unexpected bugs. In this article, we'll take a look at the 4 most common mistakes made when using useState and provide tips on how to avoid them.

1. Using a Function to Initialize useState

When initializing state with useState, if the initial state is the result of an expensive function, this function will be called on every render. This can severely impact performance, especially if the function involves complex computations.

Incorrect usage:

const [data, setData] = useState(expensiveFunction());
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In this example, expensiveFuncttion is called on every render, leading to unnecessary performance costs.

Correct usage:

const [data, setData] = useState(() => expensiveFunction());
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By using a function inside useState, the expensiveFuncttion is only called during the initial render, saving resources on subsequent renders.

2. Misusing the setState Function

When updating state in React, especially when the new state depends on the previous state, it's important to use the functional form of setState. A common mistake is updating state without taking the previous value into account.

Incorrect usage:

setCount(count + 1);
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This can cause issues if multiple updates are triggered in quick succession because count might not have the most updated value.

Correct usage:

setCount(prevCount => prevCount + 1);
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This approach ensures that the state is updated based on its previous value, making it more reliable.

3. Incorrect Placement of useState

React's hooks have a few strict rules, one of which is that they can only be used at the top level of a functional component. Placing hooks inside loops, conditions, or nested functions can break React's state management mechanism.

Incorrect usage:

if (condition) {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(false);
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This violates React's rules because useState should not be placed inside conditional statements

Correct usage:

const [value, setValue] = useState(false);

if (condition) {
  // Use the state here
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By keeping useState outside of conditions or loops, React can properly manage the order in which hooks are called.

4. Mutating State Directly

State in React should be treated as immutable. Directly mutating the state can lead to unexpected bugs and issues, particularly when dealing with objects or arrays.

Incorrect usage:

const [user, setUser] = useState({ name: 'John', age: 30 }); = 'Jane';  // Incorrect mutation
setUser(user);       // Incorrect update
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Mutating user directly doesn't trigger a re-render because React doesn't detect the state change.

Correct usage:

setUser(prevUser => ({
  name: 'Jane'
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Here, a new object is created using the spread operator, ensuring the immutability of state and triggering a proper re-render.


Avoiding common mistakes when using useState can significantly improve the performance and reliability of your React applications. Whether it's properly initializing state, using functional updates, or ensuring immutability, being mindful of these best practices will help you write cleaner, more efficient React code.

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