Credit Decision Application Flow (Highest Priority)
- Track complete decision flow from application submission to final decision
- Measure processing time at each decision checkpoint
- Monitor credit bureau API response times
- Track decision rules execution time
- Key metrics to collect:
- Time from submission to final decision
- Processing time per decision rule
- Number of applications in each state
- Failure rates at each checkpoint
Cross-Service Transaction Monitoring
- Since your services are synchronous, track the entire request chain
- Monitor service dependencies and their health
- Identify service communication bottlenecks
- Key areas to instrument:
- Inter-service REST calls
- Service response times
- Error rates between services
- Request payload sizes
MongoDB Performance Optimization
- Track query patterns across all services
- Monitor document access patterns
- Key metrics to collect:
- Query execution times
- Frequently accessed collections
- Slow queries (> 100ms)
- Index usage statistics
- Connection pool utilization
Span: CreditApplication
|- Attributes:
|- application_id
|- customer_id
|- current_stage
|- decision_outcome
|- Child Spans:
|- DocumentValidation
|- CreditCheck
|- DecisionEngine
|- CardIssuance
<!-- OpenTelemetry API -->
<!-- OpenTelemetry SDK -->
<!-- OpenTelemetry OTLP Exporter -->
<!-- Spring Boot Starter -->
public class OpenTelemetryConfig {
private String dynatraceEndpoint;
public OpenTelemetry openTelemetry() {
Resource resource = Resource.getDefault()
ResourceAttributes.SERVICE_NAME, "credit-check-service",
ResourceAttributes.SERVICE_VERSION, "1.0"
SdkTracerProvider sdkTracerProvider = SdkTracerProvider.builder()
return OpenTelemetrySdk.builder()
public class CreditCheckService {
private final Tracer tracer;
private final CreditBureauClient creditBureauClient;
public CreditCheckService(OpenTelemetry openTelemetry, CreditBureauClient creditBureauClient) {
this.tracer = openTelemetry.getTracer("credit-check-service");
this.creditBureauClient = creditBureauClient;
public CreditCheckResult performCreditCheck(String applicationId, String customerId) {
Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("credit.check")
.setAttribute("", applicationId)
.setAttribute("", customerId)
try (Scope scope = span.makeCurrent()) {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Create child span for bureau call
Span bureauCallSpan = tracer.spanBuilder("")
.setAttribute("", "ExampleBureau")
CreditBureauResponse bureauResponse;
try {
bureauResponse = creditBureauClient.getCreditScore(customerId);
bureauCallSpan.setAttribute("credit.score", bureauResponse.getCreditScore());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
} finally {
// Add important metrics to main span
span.setAttribute("credit.score", bureauResponse.getCreditScore());
span.setAttribute("processing.time_ms", System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
span.setAttribute("check.status", "COMPLETED");
return new CreditCheckResult(bureauResponse);
} catch (Exception e) {
span.setStatus(StatusCode.ERROR, e.getMessage());
throw e;
} finally {
Parent Span (Application Process):
- Basic Info:,, product.type
- Application Details: application.type, channel, priority
- Customer Info: customer.segment
- Timing: timestamp.received, process.start.time, process.duration_ms
- Outcome: application.status, decision.outcome
- Error Tracking: error.occurred, error.reason, error.code
Child Span (Credit Check):
- Basic Info:,, check.type
- Bureau Info:,
- Timing: check.start.time, check.duration_ms
- Results: credit.score,
- Decision: decision.outcome, decision.factors.count
- Performance: check.duration_ms
- Additional Info: additional.checks.required
Nested Child Span (Bureau Call):
- Request Info:, bureau.request.type
- Response: credit.score, bureau.response.status
- Performance: bureau.response.time_ms
- Error Handling: error.type, error.message
These attributes provide:
- Complete traceability of the application process
- Performance metrics at each stage
- Business metrics (credit scores, decisions)
- Error tracking and debugging information
- Operational metrics for monitoring and alerting
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