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The Greatest Lesson Life Taught Me—One I'll Never Forget

Soulis on August 28, 2024

When I was 21yrs old, life thought me a valuable lesson that I'll never forget: Nobody cares about you Here's why: One of the most sig...
syxaxis profile image
George Johnson • Edited

At the age of 50 I would temper that and say it's not that "no one cares", it's that everyone else has their own worries to deal with and you come last, if at all, in their list of things to worry about. People in your family will care about you and your friends care about you but maybe not as much as you think they do.

If you want to get on in life you have to think of yourself first most of the time and be very picky about those you support and care about. Doesn't mean you have to be nasty to people or even ignore them when they need help, just be selective with who you help and how much. Don't become a "soft touch" who will simply get walked all over.

Since the mid 1990s we've told all kids they're special, the "no kid left behind" and "everyone attendee gets a medal" mentality that is in the school system as given us generations of peope who think they matter and they're special. You, me and everyone else is not special, you may matter to some people you love and whom love you, but in the grand scheme of humaity you are not special in any way and you never will be. Once you accept that then you begin to scope down to where you do matter to those people you care about, then life gets easier to deal with.

The most important thing, don't let it get to you, be positive 'cos sometimes a harsh truth can be liberating and free you from things that didn't matter anyway.

soulis98 profile image

100% agree George.

samuraiseoul profile image
Sophie The Lionhart

No-one cares is very black and white! There are TONS of people with passion who absolutely care deeply about others! They can be hard to find but the easiest way to find them is to be someone who deeply cares and shows that they care and advocated for people to be caring I've found! :D

ashish_kumar_4dc2a7ee7693 profile image
Ashish Kumar • Edited

Agreed ,it's a hard truth, I am 21 right now lol. it's just endless expectations from everyone...They don't care about you the just care about the value you can provide to them.

soulis98 profile image
Soulis • Edited

You'll soon discover that many people that tell you things like "you won't make it", "why do you even try?",...

Are people that failed, stop trying and wanna take others down, who're working hard, with them.

The greatest tip I can give you my brother is that if you want to be free and happy then make connections with people that have a similar vision, goals and values as yourself.

ashish_kumar_4dc2a7ee7693 profile image
Ashish Kumar


Thread Thread
soulis98 profile image

Hope you're doing well.

Bless you ^^

zjkal profile image

Just be yourself and that's enough.

mrkbr profile image
Mario Kober

Oh you are luckily so fcking wrong.

soulis98 profile image

God, I hope so.

mohamed_karim_2dddebb42bd profile image
mohamed karim

Thank for sharing

harry_wood profile image
Harry Wood

Well thanks for that cheerful morning read!

ashishsimplecoder profile image
Ashish Prajapati

Becoming selfish

soulis98 profile image

Free your soul!

king_triton profile image
King Triton

At 25, I learned a crucial lesson: nobody cares as much as you think. This realization freed me to focus on my own goals and self-growth. It was tough, but ultimately empowering.

kristi_haynes_aba0bb8eecc profile image
kristi haynes

Sometimes it may take a long time to see certain things, but when you do, you become stronger.

lloyd_decker_964b11ff81d9 profile image
lloyd decker

Absolutely, life will be much better when you do this.

kitrina_6abd51b4e8174f1d0 profile image

Everyone should think of themselves in this life, even when there is a relationship of interest with parents. Even they like it more when you do what they want.