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The scope of software in today's world and its impact on the future

Technological advancement and the appearance of devices such as computers and cell phones have led to the creation of new methods to improve their operation, allowing a large number of activities and technological advances that were previously unimaginable to be carried out through them, which are not only due to to the aforementioned devices but to a tool in charge of giving them life and specific functionalities: the software.
Software is the intangible part of all devices, a set of commands that give orders and are responsible for their complete functioning. Without software, computers, tablets, cell phones and other devices would have no life. Initially, this technology had very simple functionalities and was also a little slow, which made its manipulation much more tedious, for this reason it was only used by the same person who developed it, who were usually mathematicians, scientists or engineers, and could not be installed on different or conventional equipment; After many years and several improvements and identifying that it was a very powerful tool for companies, they began to be developed for commercialization.
Nowadays it is almost impossible to imagine a life without technological devices , since in addition to helping us personally as a means of communication and fun, they have also become a great work tool, helping us to do activities easily and without any problems. a lot of effort. Although no one gives it importance, all these benefits occur thanks to the implementation of software, which in view of technological advances has become popular, becoming a highly demanded tool, not only by companies and people, but also by institutions. of education, both for its own use and for its educational programs, and today, engineering is one of the most sought-after careers by young people. In this way, the software has gone from being a tool only for math and computing geniuses to being available to anyone.
Software in any of its types (system, application or programming) together with hardware (the part of a computer system that we can touch) have helped us with the advancement of real-time communication, the digitization of documents, the programming of activities, the translation of texts, the storage of information and in many other diverse activities or daily processes that in a certain way have improved our quality of life and that will surely continue to do so.
Software development is a very common activity today and large software development consulting firms that are dedicated to this work, such as Microsoft, IBM and Oracle. They never stop working and innovating, since they must keep their products updated and at the technological forefront to meet the demand of their consumers, who want to constantly have new functionalities; which implies for these brands hard research and development work, to be able to thoroughly understand the needs of their users, but also an overflow of creativity, to impress them and create much more impressive products. This often makes us believe that in the future there will be nothing new to do in the field of software , regardless of the sector or the purpose of the products developed, which leads us to the next question.
What will happen to the software in the future?
Without technology there is no future , as a society we are already accustomed to a pace of life where technology is part of us and our daily activities, Software as part of this technology will continue to occupy a part of our existence, it will continue to evolve and be developed for other purposes, integrating into areas where it was never thought that there could be technological intervention.
The importance of software in our lives is such that it has already been assured that in the future all people will know about programming. There are even schools in the United Kingdom that have implemented this subject within their curriculum, which makes us think that it could be an idea established around the world. Thus, all employees will have knowledge about programming, a great advantage for employers;
Without a doubt, software as a technological tool will bring great advances and some of them we cannot even imagine or determine the scope and transformations they will generate, but what is known is that they will positively impact all social and business areas. of the world, thus generating a new technological revolution.

Below, we will present some of the advances that have already been proposed or are in development and that we intend to perfect in the near future:

  • Personalization: As we talked about before, most people will have programming skills, which will allow people to customize the software to their convenience and in many cases they can make modifications to it, such as integrating new functions or eliminating some that are not useful.
  • Software with artificial intelligence:In the future we will also find software integrated with artificial intelligence at a more advanced point and they may be able to make important decisions, constantly learn and reason, measure air and water pollution, among other capabilities. In companies we will find software development solutions capable of planning marketing strategies, hiring or firing personnel or making sales forecasts.
  • Home automation: the term refers to an automatic home, this has a hardware component and a software component, which allows us to automate a home, it is made up of sensors and a system that controls them and allows us to carry out activities in our home automatically in appliances such as lights, blinds or air conditioning. In the future it will have much more advanced functions and will be integrated with all appliances and household elements, doing practically everything for us, from preparing dinner, washing clothes, playing our favorite music without having to order it and even having conversations with us. . Software is definitely a very important tool in the world, it is part of the life of each person and their devices and will undoubtedly continue to be so for a long time, bringing new functions that are increasingly useful and surprising, which will simplify our lives much more. tasks, both personal and work-related. For now we just have to know that the evolution of software development services will continue to impact us day by day, both positively and negatively, everything will depend on the use and purpose we give to these tools, which come into our hands daily.

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