DEV Community

Sergey Pronin
Sergey Pronin

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Exposing replica nodes in Percona Operator for PostgreSQL

This is a micro blog post about a feature that I failed to praise in Percona Operator for PostgreSQL - ability to expose replicas separately.

The problem is that when you connect to the PostgreSQL cluster through pgBouncer, it routes all you reads and writes to the primary.

Percona Operator for PostgreSQL - pgbouncer connection

So in that case the role pgBouncer plays here:

  1. Pool connections
  2. Provide single entry point to connect to
  3. In case of primary failure reroute quesries to the new primary

But we heard it a few times, that it is not good enough. Sometimes you want to have your application to scale reads and not hammer your primary.

Starting version 2.4.0 we allow users to expose replica nodes separately. It is happening by default for all clusters already. You can see -replicas service:

NAME                TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)          AGE
cluster1-replicas   ClusterIP   <none> 
5432:31812/TCP   11h
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To change the service type, user should alter spec.expose section:

    type: LoadBalancer
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With this exposure your application connection is going to look like this:

Percona Operator for PostgreSQL - exposing replicas

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