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Cover image for PROJECT ENIGMA -> NO. 1 - ZIP-ZAP (Personalized URL file sharing app)
Shoaib Akhtar
Shoaib Akhtar

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PROJECT ENIGMA -> NO. 1 - ZIP-ZAP (Personalized URL file sharing app)

Posting this as an update for Buildspace Night & Weekend S5.
Update No. 1 -> Day 1(defining of Problem) & Day 2(working out the layout)


I constantly have the need to move files around my various number of machines. I often use cloud but as my accounts have 2FA, its takes a bit of time to login. Hence when in hurry, I often to the file transfer websites available on the web. The problem is, they have a complex way of generating there URL and hence, I have to login to my whats-app, share the link, and then download it. It beats the purpose of requiring less time.

Hence, I am building a file sharing app in which you can decide your URL and is completely secure.

How it works

  • Enter the Domain followed by any text you like{your-personalized-text}
  • If the link doesn’t exist, you can create a pin to later access the URL securely.
  • If the link exist, you are required to enter the pin. Hence if you haven’t claimed the site, you should enter a different URL
  • Post your files → access the same URL from another device(which shouldn’t be a problem since you set the URL yourself) → download the file on the other device
  • If no device is connected to the URL, it automatically resets. Hence getting available for a new users use.

Top comments (2)

guillo-ivan profile image
Guillermo Salgado

Mmm it sounds like an API to access a personal cdn, you could incorporate the use of asymmetric cryptography, and thus even be able to authenticate the user in a shell, personally, it makes it much more comfortable for me to work from the terminal.

star173 profile image
Shoaib Akhtar

Thank you for the response. However, for the v1, I am focusing on making it p2p so I don't have to deal with storage bills fatter than my bank balance(I'm talking to you AWS). But would definitely try to add it in the next version. However, if you know some platform with kind of a generous storage plan, feel free to drop it. I will try my best to incorporate it in v2.(cause now that you mentioned it, I also feel like the need for one)