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Steps on how to create a Linux virtual machine using password authentication

The following steps below are how to create virtual machine using password authentication.
Go to Azure portal search virtual machine
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Click create and select Azure virtual machine
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In project details, name the resource group
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In instance details, name the virtual machine and choose the region, and leave the rest as default
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In administrator account, in authentication type select password; create username and password
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Leave the rest as default and click review and create
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Allow validation to pass, then select create
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Click on go to resources
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In the resources, click on the ip address
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Drag out the idle timeout from 4 minutes to 30 minutes and save
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Go to the Virtual machine and click connect
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In powershell, type ssh username@ipaddress; so it will be ssh ugonna123@ and press enter and it will prompt you to enter password. its will prompt to select yes/no to continue connection
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The following shows it has connected
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